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  1. Lima Pokok Calvinisme, kadang-kadang dikenal dengan mnemonik TULIP, merupakan ringkasan dari soteriologi Reformed. Meskipun mereka dinamai menurut nama Yohanes Calvin, mereka sebagian besar mencerminkan ajaran Pasal-Pasal Dordrecht.

  2. Reformed Christianity, also called Calvinism, is a major branch of Protestantism that began during the sixteenth-century Protestant Reformation, a schism in the Western Church. In the modern day, it is largely represented by the Continental, Presbyterian, and Congregational traditions, as well as parts of the Anglican and Baptist traditions.

  3. John Calvin has a soteriological concept that focuses on God's sovereignty. Calvin's soteriological thinking is contained in the TULIP acronym formulation of salvation. At present there are problems with the environment, a great deal of environmental degradation has led to a relational disharmony.

  4. The distinctives and doctrines of Calvinism are (relative to the doctrine of salvation) most evident in the Five Points of Calvinism. To understand the Five Points as Calvinists do, you must see them as the expression of the Calvinistic definition of predestination.

  5. Broadly speaking Calvinism (named after the 16 th century Genevan reformer John Calvin) is a biblical world-and-life view that speaks to the head, heart, and hands with implications for church, family, vocation, government, and everything in between.

  6. Discuss specific pairs of ideas and corresponding Scripture passages (related to both Arminianisms and Calvinisms views) about human ability or inability in spiritual matters. Since the news about man’s spiritual condition is extremely serious, the “good news” about salvation is good indeed.

  7. A Calvinistic world and life view encompasses the sovereign providence of a gracious God and clearly defines what is known as the five points of Calvinism. In this updated and expanded second edition, the authors clearly explain the differences between arminianism and Calvinism and show how the view one takes in this ongoing controversy will ...

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