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  1. Taurus · April 20 - May 20

    • Today's horoscope for Taurus

      You and your romantic partner or best friend are marching in lockstep today, and it feels great! Your energy is perfect for any kind of joint endeavor, so get going as soon as you can!

    • This week's horoscope for Taurus

      This week, what you can imagine, you can manifest. The week begins on Sunday, June 16, as Venus in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces. And later that day, Venus enters the sign of Cancer where it will stay until July 11. Thoughts pop up, but you can choose what to dwell on. You could see a world of infinite possibilities or view life as som...

    • This month's horoscope for Taurus

      Financial Mojo Taurus, June begins on a fabulous note with a tremendous alignment between upbeat Jupiter and potent Pluto bringing you a wealth of opportunity. This aspect could coincide with a career development that takes things to the next level. It could also inspire you to start a business based on your interests and talents. If you ...
