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  1. 6 days ago · Lucrezia nacque a Firenze il 22 Giugno 1427, figlia di Francesco Tornabuoni, un importante diplomatico che aiutò Cosimo de Medici ( la cui storia potete leggere qui) a tornare a Firenze dopo l'esilio. Nel 1444 sposa Piero Il Gottoso ( la storia la trovate qui) , di sette anni più vecchio di lei.

  2. 4 days ago · Rinaldo degli Albizi ( o Albizzi) nacque a Firenze nel 1370 e, come Cosimo dei Medici (la cui storia potete leggere qui) ereditò il proprio ruolo dal padre, Maso degli Albizi.

  3. 2 days ago · Two years later the saint's body, that had been resting in the church of San Giorgio (the futre church of St Claire's) was brought here in secret for fear of looting by tomb raiders and buried in the unfinished church.

  4. 5 days ago · Florence - Renaissance, Medici, Humanism: Florence’s greatest poet, Dante, harshly characterized his city’s people as tightfisted, envious, and haughty. A touch of this severe judgment still clings to the Florentines, in whose makeup one tends to miss the exuberance and warmth associated with Italians in other towns and regions.

  5. 5 days ago · A Cracovia, infatti, i Medici amministrano le saline e ci sono tracce di documenti che testimoniano la loro partecipazione ad aste a Costanza, Basilea, Francoforte, Norimberga. Cosimo non rinunciò al commercio, alle proprie origini: a Firenze i Medici avevano ben tre botteghe.

  6. 5 days ago · The French invasion and defeat and the exile of the Medici gave particular prominence within the new republican regime of Florence to a friar, Girolamo Savonarola. The son of a prominent physician, Savonarola had been born at Ferrara, entered the Dominican order at Bologna at the age of 23, and rapidly acquired fame as a theologian and preacher.

  7. › wiki › FlorenceFlorence - Wikipedia

    2 days ago · The Medici reigned as Grand Dukes of Tuscany, starting with Cosimo I de' Medici in 1569 and ending with the death of Gian Gastone de' Medici in 1737. The Kingdom of Italy , which was established in 1861, moved its capital from Turin to Florence in 1865, although the capital was moved to Rome in 1871.

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