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  1. Access current weather data for any location. We collect and process weather data from different sources such as global and local weather models, satellites, radars and a vast network of weather stations. JSON, XML, and HTML formats. Included in both free and paid subscriptions.

  2. Discover the extensive capabilities of OpenWeather's APIs through our thorough guide, providing in-depth explanations, practical examples, and dedicated support for users across all skill levels, facilitating easy access to worldwide weather information.

  3. Explore OpenWeather's user-friendly weather data products and APIs, offering short and long-term forecasts, historical observations, and specialized solutions like Road Risk and Solar Energy Prediction. Ideal for range of applications, from simple ones to complex enterise level systems.

  4. Obtain real-time weather data for any location globally with OpenWeather's Current Weather Data API. Provides comprehensive weather details in JSON, XML, or HTML formats, including temperature, pressure, humidity, and more. Supports geocoding, language options, and different measurement units.

  5. OpenWeather provides comprehensive weather data services, including current, forecast, and historical weather information. Explore a wide range of APIs for solar radiation, road risk assessment, solar energy prediction, and more, with global coverage and user-friendly access.

  6. This page is a comprehensive guide for you to access the capabilities of OpenWeather's APIs. From initial registration to making API calls, you'll find detailed instructions, relevant links, and examples to facilitate your integration process.

  7. API calls return errors 500, 502, 503 or 504. Explore our carefully curated FAQ section, addressing the most common challenges associated with OpenWeather data.

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