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  1. 5 days ago · Virtual reality exposure therapy (VRET) offers a groundbreaking approach to anxiety treatment by providing access to locations beyond the therapist’s treatment room.

  2. 3 days ago · Reality therapy is a highly effective approach that can help you solve problems and achieve your goals. It emphasizes the importance of thoughts and actions and how these might be changed to influence positive behavior.

  3. 2 days ago · Apa itu fobia sosial? Fobia sosial (gangguan kecemasan sosial) adalah suatu kondisi psikologis di mana seseorang mengalami ketakutan yang intens terhadap situasi sosial, terutama di mana ia akan menjadi pusat perhatian atau berinteraksi dengan orang asing. Ketakutan ini bisa begitu kuat sehingga seseorang mulai menghindari situasi seperti itu ...

  4. 4 days ago · Salah satunya adalah anxiety. Anxiety ini berbeda dengan gangguan kecemasan pada umumnya, dan tidak dapat didiagnosa sendiri semudah itu. Diperlukan validasi dari seorang psikolog atau psikiater profesional. Anxiety sendiri terdiri dari banyak jenis, 5 di antaranya adalah; Fobia. Gangguan kecemasan sosial. PTSD (Post-traumatic stress disorder)

  5. 3 days ago · Anxiety is a natural emotional response characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts, and physical changes like increased blood pressure. It typically arises from anticipating uncertain events or outcomes. Anxiety can arise because of our life circumstances or because of our natural dispositions.

  6. 4 days ago · Sadly, anxiety, being a true disability, is often confused by misconceptions and a certain stigma attached to it. People may discard it as nervousness or overreacting. This lack of understanding can lead to invalidation of an individual’s experience and cause them to be reluctant to seek help.

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  8. 2 days ago · Efficacy of a one-session virtual reality exposure treatment for fear of flying. Psychotherapy Research: Journal of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, 13(3), 323-336. Orman, E. (2003). Effect of virtual reality graded exposure on heart rate and self-reported anxiety levels of performing saxophonists.

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