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  1. 4 days ago · Louis XVI’s decision to convene the Estates-General in May 1789 became a turning point in French history. When he invited his subjects to express their opinions and grievances in preparation for this event—unprecedented in living memory—hundreds responded with pamphlets in which the liberal ideology of 1789 gradually began to take shape.

  2. 3 days ago · On 5 May 1789, the Estates-General convened at Versailles. Necker outlined the state budget and reiterated the king's decision that each estate should decide on which matters it would agree to meet and vote in common with the other estates.

  3. 4 days ago · Illustration. The Three Estates of pre-revolutionary France were the hierarchical social divisions that structured society under the Ancien Régime (French for "Old Regime," a term coined after the French Revolution to describe the pre-revolutionary system of government and society). The First Estate consisted of the clergy, who held ...

  4. 5 days ago · When the Estates General convened, the most influential members—those who would become the revolutionaries—ended up being Third Estate members who were middle class people, typically lawyers (as was the most famous revolutionary, Maximilien Robespierre) or fairly wealthy capitalists or land owners or professionals of some sort—not working class people such as peasants or factory workers.

  5. 3 days ago · In May 1789, widespread social distress led to the convocation of the Estates General, which was converted into a National Assembly in June.

  6. 2 days ago · This body came into being on 17 June 1789, with the renaming of the Estates-General on the motion of the abbé Sieyès. The renaming was effectively a claim that this new body was now sovereign. Initially, it comprised the members of the Third Estate and a few liberal nobles and clergy.

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  8. 4 days ago · France - Revolution, Republic, Napoleon: By sweeping away the old web of privileges, the August 4 decree permitted the Assembly to construct a new regime. Since it would take months to draft a constitution, the Assembly on August 27 promulgated its basic principles in a Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen.

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