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  1. · wiki · SufismSufism - Wikipedia

    22 hours ago · Shaykh Abdul-Qadir Gilani (1077–1166) was a Mesopotamian-born Hanbali jurist and prominent Sufi scholar based in Baghdad, with Persian roots. Qadiriyya was his patronym. Gilani spent his early life in Na'if, a town just East of Baghdad, also the town of his birth. There, he pursued the study of Hanbali law.

  2. 2 days ago · His life was busy in this noble cause. He was visiting different areas of the world to preach Islam and to distribute Fuozaat of Ghouse Al Azam (R.A.). However, there were mounting pressure from different prominent families of the country about his marriage.

  3. · wiki · SaladinSaladin - Wikipedia

    1 day ago · In Saladin's era, no scholar had more influence than sheikh Abdul Qadir Gilani, and Saladin was strongly influenced and aided by him and his pupils.

  4. · wiki · SayyidSayyid - Wikipedia

    1 day ago · Tomb of Abdul Qadir Gilani, regarded as the highest Sayyid with the title Ghause Azam Miniatur on the story of Sayyid Abdul Qadir Gilani. The Sayyid families in Iraq are so numerous that there are books written especially to list the families and connect their trees.

  5. 4 days ago · Sufi music, or Qawwali, evolved as a means of spiritual expression and devotion. The word Qawwali is derived from “Qaol,” meaning “to speak,” and indeed, Sufis believe the music speaks to ...

  6. 1 day ago · 5. Syekh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani (470-561 H/1077-1166 M) Nama lengkap beliau adalah Abdul Qadir bin Abi Shalih al-Jailani. Lahir di Gilan, Persia (Iran) pada tahun 470 H/1077 M dan wafat tahun 561 H/1166 M di Baghdad. Beliau belajar dari berbagai ulama di Baghdad.

  7. 3 days ago · Kisah Karamah Syekh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani Sabtu, 20 Februari 2021 === Simak video bermanfaat lainnya di channel Youtube NU Online! Subscribe! Terpopuler. Lihat Semua. 1.

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