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  1. 5 days ago · 29 maggio 2024, 09:27. Arte. Pitagora. Pittura. Rinascimento. «Fatto dalla natura per essere pittore», come afferma Giorgio Vasari, Domenico Bigordi, detto il Ghirlandaio – soprannome ereditato dal padre, un orafo che cesellava ghirlande d'argento come ornamento delle fanciulle – è stato uno dei protagonisti della Firenze medicea.

    • Alessandra Pagano
  2. 4 days ago · Our saint is depicted in an altarpiece by Domenico Ghirlandaio, the Florentine Renaissance painter among whose students was one Michelangelo. The altarpiece, in the Rimini City Museum, places St. Vincent front and center, dressed in the traditional Dominican habit: a white tunic with a black cappa, or hooded wool cape that was typically used ...

  3. 17 hours ago · Take one of the centerpieces of “Hidden Faces,” an oil-on-wood picture, “Portrait of a Woman (La Monaca)” (circa 1510), attributed to Ridolfo Ghirlandaio, grandson of Domenico and nephew of Davide. Once considered the portrait of a nun, Ghirlandaio’s sub-“Mona Lisa” has too low of a neckline to qualify as such.

  4. 5 days ago · These include detached frescoes, antique furniture, and paintings — most notably The Adoration of the Magi by Domenico Ghirlandaio. Address: Piazza della Santissima Annunziata, 12 Shopping off the Beaten Path in Florence

  5. 3 days ago · L’impostazione della scena richiama, inoltre, le composizioni di Domenico Ghirlandaio. Questi espliciti riferimenti ai maestri citati denotano la capacità di Raffaellino di aggiornarsi sull’arte del suo tempo e di combinare le sue molteplici fonti di ispirazione con esiti di grande piacevolezza narrativa ed efficacia espressiva.

  6. 1 day ago · 2 June 1448: Ghirlandaio was born, created by nature to be a painter. It was June 2, 1448 when Domenico Bigordi, better known in the news as Ghirlandaio, came into the world. He was my first art teacher and I remember that day in April 1488 as if it were today, when I officially joined his workshop.

  7. 2 days ago · The enlarged, bulbous nose of W.C. Fields is the popular image of phymatous rosacea. This is rhinophyma (Figure 21), the most common of the phymas associated with rosacea. The condition is also exhibited in a 15th-century portrait of a patrician and his grandson by Domenico Ghirlandaio (Figure 22).

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