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  1. 1 hour ago · The man who saw all this coming was the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, who started his major works with a book called “Distinction” in 1979. ... Symbolic capitalists, Bourdieu continued ...

  2. 2 days ago · This concept draws heavily from Pierre Bourdieu’s theories on social capital and cultural capital, expanding these ideas to encompass the emotional dimensions of social life. Emotional capital is a critical factor in understanding how emotional resources contribute to social stratification, power dynamics, and the reproduction of social ...

  3. 2 days ago · During a pandemic, there is a fine line between distancing and avoiding other people, with stigmatizing classifications sometimes transforming social distance into social exclusion. Drawing on Bourdieu's under-utilised theory of classification struggles, this paper conceptualises schemes of pandemic Othering in terms of Negative Health Classifications. Complementing the interactionist approach ...

  4. 4 days ago · The article takes the first steps towards a general theory of civil society elites, a concept not fully developed in either elite or civil society research. This conceptual gap hampers academic and public understanding of the dynamics at the top of civil society. To address this, the authors rely on the theoretical framework of Pierre Bourdieu to build a theory of civil society elites as ...

  5. 1 day ago · Critical theory today is a broad category that encompasses many different critical social theories: critical race theory, critical pedagogy, postcolonial theory, queer theory, etc. At its root, contemporary critical theory can be described in terms of four central ideas: the social binary, hegemonic power, lived experience, and social justice. [7]

  6. 1 day ago · La escuela y los valores de la clase media-alta. Contrariamente a estas explicaciones, hace algo más de 50 años los sociólogos Pierre Bourdieu y Jean-Claude Passeron plantearon, en su influyente La reproducción, que la razón no se encontraba en las decisiones individuales, sino eminentemente en la propia escuela, que lejos de ser neutral, era un terreno de juego favorable para los niños ...

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  8. 2 days ago · "La distinction" de Pierre Bourdieu est toujours une référence. Il est important même pour des lycéens de comprendre leur capital économique et culturel. Une compréhension qui incitera les jeunes à réfléchir à leur présent pour voir leur futur. 4e de couvertureTiphaine Rivière s’empare avec humour du classique de Pierre Bourdieu, La Distinction, pour en proposer…

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