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    • Season 1 overview
      Mar 3-Apr 7, 2022
      8 episodes
      Season 1 episodes

      1. I'm in a Hurry Mar 3, 2022
      • Elizabeth Holmes drops out of Stanford to found a promising new blood-testing startup.
    • 2. Satori Mar 3, 2022
      • Elizabeth brings her fledgling technology to the venture capitalists of Silicon Valley.
    • 3. Green Juice Mar 3, 2022
      • Elizabeth's technology struggles to keep pace and board members become wary of her behavior.
    • 4. Old White Men Mar 10, 2022
      • Walgreens is enticed by Elizabeth to seal the deal on a new partnership with Theranos.
    • 5. Flower of Life Mar 17, 2022
      • Elizabeth and Sunny scramble to find solutions to their technological failures.
    • 6. Iron Sisters Mar 24, 2022
      • New employees discover shocking truths about Elizabeth and the company.
    • 7. Heroes Mar 31, 2022
      • Under intense scrutiny from the Wall Street Journal, Elizabeth and Sunny double down on defense.
    • 8. Lizzy Apr 7, 2022
      • In the wake of the Wall Street Journal article, Elizabeth and Sunny face a reckoning.