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  1. The foreign policy of the Bill Clinton administration was of secondary concern to a president fixed on domestic policy. He relied chiefly on his two experienced Secretaries of State Warren Christopher (1993–1997) and Madeleine Albright (1997–2001), as well as Vice President Al Gore.

  2. Bill Clinton came into office with relatively little experience in foreign affairs. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the uncertainties of the post-Cold War world produced a number of foreign policy crises which challenged Clinton's abilities as a statesman.

  3. President Clinton has opened markets for U.S. exports abroad and created American jobs through nearly 300 other free and fair trade agreements, contributing to the longest economic expansion in our history.

  4. Apr 8, 2021 · Clinton took steps that included enlarging NATO to include the former Soviet satellites Poland, Hungary, and the Czech Republic, and pushing for Russian troops to withdraw from Poland and the Baltics.

  5. In terms of foreign policy, the Clinton record is also mixed. One of Clinton's core missions as president, he often said, was to prepare Americans for a world in which global economic forces failed to respect national boundaries.

  6. Clinton withdrew U.S. forces from Somalia after they were attacked in Mogadishu and suffered approximately 100 casualties in urban fighting, but he backed NATO bombing campaigns to stop ethnic cleansing (i.e., genocide) in Bosnia and Kosovo.

  7. Explore Foreign Affairs' coverage of the Clinton administration, including Bill Clintons political legacy, his economic platform, and the status of global politics from 1993–2001.

  8. Mar 1, 2000 · Four goals have dominated the Clinton administration's foreign policy. First, the administration has sought to dampen security competition and reduce the risk of major war in Europe, East Asia, and the Middle East, largely by remaining militarily engaged in each of these regions.

  9. Apr 13, 2021 · President Clinton spoke about foreign policy challenges he faced during his presidency and his perspective on key diplomatic issues today, including bilateral relations with a resurgent Russia and a rising China.

  10. As the first president who has understood the connections of the global economy and its connection to our prosperity, President Clinton has led the way toward the greatest expansion in world trade in history - from $4 to $6.6 trillion a year, opened markets for U.S. exports abroad and created American jobs through nearly 300 other free and fair ...

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