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  1. 2 days ago · Tracing the Horse's Evolution According to Evolutionists. Eohippus - believed to be the first horse and named the dawn horse 50-60 million years ago; 10-20 inches high, with three toes in the back and four in front. Miohippus – “middle horse” - 40-50 million years ago; the size of a sheep, teeth grew bigger.

  2. 1 day ago · The Lena horse (Equus lenensis) was first described as a subspecies of wild horse in 1968 after skull fragments were found in north-east Siberia. Several bone fragments and fossils of Lena horse have been found throughout the region, indicating that it must’ve been widespread before its extinction around 5,000 years ago. The Findings

  3. 1 day ago · Big and small horses; fast, slow, harness, carriage and farm horses; wild horses, donkeys, mules, mustangs and more. Mid-Atlantic Horse covers the wide world of the genus Equus. And for every horse story, there are many more about the people who live so closely with their horses.

  4. 3 days ago · Even the slightest “tingle” of electric current will deter a horse from drinking. • Make sure your horse gets exercise: A horse that stays active is likely to have healthier digestive function, because exercise helps stimulate the gut’s smooth muscle contractions. Fortunately, this doesn’t require extended sessions under saddle; just ...

  5. 2 days ago · A Quarter Horse in Starr County, Texas, recently tested positive for equine infectious anemia (EIA). The horse was euthanized, and the premises was placed under official quarantine by the Texas Animal Health Commission. EDCC Health Watch is an Equine Network marketing program that utilizes ...

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  7. 1 day ago · Some horses simply can’t exercise due to on-going musculoskeletal issues or laminitis. In every case, obesity is dangerous to horse health, so efforts need to be made to curtail a horse’s caloric intake. A fat horse should not be turned out on pasture, or at the very least, he should wear a grazing muzzle.

  8. 1 day ago · Horses do not develop high enough levels of these viruses in their blood to be contagious to other animals or humans. Because of the high mortality rate in horses and humans, EEE is regarded as one of the most serious mosquito-borne diseases in the United States. Tips for preventing mosquito-borne diseases include:

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