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  2. 1 day ago · 3 Lessons Jannes and Jambres Can Teach Us about False Teachers. Pharoah was skeptical that Moses really had God on his side because his court magicians replicated several of these plagues. Rabbinical literature provides names for two of these men: Jannes and Jambres. In today’s article, we’ll discover what the Bible and later literature ...

  3. 2 days ago · David Calabro spoke at the 2021 Tracing Ancient Threads in the Book of Moses Conference on Saturday, April 24, 2021. In an earlier study, I argued that the Book of Moses is a ritual text adapted to the architecture of the Temple of Solomon. This study further explores the ancient context of the Book of Moses. In contrast to my previous study, I ...

  4. 2 days ago · Jesus breaks in with a different way—the way of the kingdom. This concept of the inbreaking of God’s rule was central to Jesus’s teaching, so we’ll keep encountering it as we walk through the land and through Luke’s Gospel. You’ll see how radical it was—and how radical it still is—to live the kingdom life in the world of the empire.

  5. 5 days ago · Key Takeaways: Moses, a Hebrew prophet, led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt, received the Ten Commandments, and guided them through a 40-year journey in the wilderness, inspiring faith and resilience.

  6. 5 days ago · What you are going to see in this series is that in so many ways the life of Moses is your life and my life. Moses is no longer on this earth, but the God of Moses is. The story of Moses is not just what God did for him; it is what God wants to do for you.

  7. 4 days ago · Moses reminded God’s people of the judgment that would come if they continued in disobedience (see also Deut. 7), and we see Paul doing much the same. This isn’t to say that occasionally disobeying God in these ways warrants an eternal penalty.

  8. 5 days ago · The same God that came through for Moses and the nation of Israel is alive and well and wants to come through for you. In this message, we are going to learn what we need to do when our back is against the wall, just like Moses’ was. Topics: Trials and Tribulations, Moses.

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