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  1. 4 days ago · The French colonial empire (French: Empire colonial français) comprised the overseas colonies, protectorates, and mandate territories that came under French rule from the 16th century onward. A distinction is generally made between the " First French colonial empire ", that existed until 1814, by which time most of it had been lost or sold ...

  2. › issues › 2024-25Uniting the Colonies

    4 days ago · A group of men gathered in secret in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This was no ordinary meeting. It was the first step toward America’s independence. At the time, many people in the 13 Colonies were fed up with being ruled by Great Britain.

  3. 1 day ago · The Portuguese Empire (Portuguese: Império Português, European Portuguese: [ĩˈpɛ.ɾju puɾ.tuˈɣeʃ]), also known as the Portuguese Overseas (Ultramar Português) or the Portuguese Colonial Empire (Império Colonial Português), was composed of the overseas colonies, factories, and later overseas territories, governed by the Kingdom of ...

  4. 2 days ago · After 1961, with the beginning of the colonial wars in its overseas territories, Portugal began to incorporate black Portuguese Africans into integrated units as part of the war effort in Angola, Portuguese Guinea, and Mozambique, based on concepts of multi-racialism and preservation of the empire.

  5. 5 days ago · PRIMEIRO TEMPO. Hoje, 15 de setembro de 2024, o Senhor Henry Charles Albert David, Duque de Sussex, e mais conhecido como Príncipe Harry, completa 40 anos de idade. Há cerca de 12 anos, em 2012, ele realizava a sua primeira visita ao Brasil, ainda solteiro. Na época da visita em março, eu estava em Recife a trabalho.

  6. 4 days ago · 4) A Guerra dos Sete Anos (1756-1763), travada entre Grã-Bretanha e a França pela posse de territórios na América do Norte, foi um evento histórico importante para a Independência das Treze Colônias, em 1776, o que resultou na formação dos Estados Unidos da América.

  7. 4 days ago · Trece Martires was the one of the largest and remotest barrios in Cavite. It's name was Quinta or Quintana, which served as part of the municipality of Tanza, Cavite. It was the organized into a city May 24, 1954, which was approved by President Ramon Magsaysay.