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  1. › wiki › ButterflyButterfly - Wikipedia

    Riodinidae. Butterflies are winged insects from the lepidopteran suborder Rhopalocera, characterized by large, often brightly coloured wings that often fold together when at rest, and a conspicuous, fluttering flight. The group comprises the superfamilies Hedyloidea (moth-butterflies in the Americas) and Papilionoidea (all others).

  2. May 3, 2024 · The lepidopteran life cycle has four stages: egg, larva ( caterpillar ), pupa (chrysalis), and adult (imago). The larvae and adults of most butterflies feed on plants, often only specific parts of specific types of plants. Mourning cloak butterfly (Nymphalis antiopa). Learn about the monarch butterfly, including its annual migration to Mexico.

  3. Mar 13, 2024 · 1. The Monarch (Danaus plexippus)The magnificent monarch may be the most well-known and best-loved of all our insects. There is something truly regal about its size, bright colors, and powerful, soaring flight, but its kingly name supposedly comes from the spotted margins of its wings, which resemble the sable-edged robes worn by royalty at the time of its discovery.

  4. Oct 15, 2010 · Great Migrations: Rhythm of Life: out the lifecycle of a monar...

  5. Butterflies (and moths) are the only group of insects that have scales covering their wings, although some butterflies have reduced scales. They differ from other insects also by their ability to coil up their proboscis. Immatures. Caterpillars are the names given to the larvae of both butterflies and moths.

  6. A Sara Longwing (Heliconius sara) butterfly, seen in the Butterfly Pavilion at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. Heliconius butterflies stand out for their fluttery flight. They feed not only on flower nectar, but also on pollen. Ranging from South to North America, Heliconius butterflies have been studied by entomologists for ...

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