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  1. Apr 28, 2013 · 36 Photos. Action Adventure Drama Fantasy. Robb's army is falling apart. Jaime reveals a story to Brienne that he has never told anyone. Jon breaks his vows. The Hound is granted his freedom. The Lannisters hatch a new plan. Director. Alex Graves.

    • (34K)
    • Action, Adventure, Drama
    • Alex Graves
    • 2013-04-28
    • Overview
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    • Behind the scenes
    • In the books

    "Kissed by Fire" is the fifth episode of the third season of Game of Thrones. It is the twenty-fifth episode of the series overall. It premiered on April 28, 2013 on HBO. It was written by Bryan Cogman and directed by Alex Graves.

    Beyond the Wall

    Jon Snow is with the group of twenty wildlings under the command of Tormund, who were sent ahead of the main army of King-Beyond-the-Wall Mance Rayder to scale the Wall and attack Castle Black from behind. Jon and Ygritte are gathering firewood, when the warg Orell asks him about the defenses of the Night's Watch. Orell has seen through the eyes of his eagle that there are patrols on top of the Wall and he wants to know how frequent they are. Jon says they usually sent out patrols in teams of four, two builders to inspect for structural damage and two rangers to protect them, but that the frequency of their patrols often changes. Orell says the wildlings know there are nineteen castles along the south side of the Wall, but he wants to know how many are currently manned. Jon finds this very unpleasant, but reluctantly says that only three are currently manned. Apart from Castle Black (which even the wildlings know is manned), there is also Eastwatch-by-the-Sea at the extreme eastern end, and the Shadow Tower at the western end. Jon is then asked how many men currently garrison Castle Black. Jon is very reluctant to answer, but after being threatened by Orell, he gives an exaggerated number, saying there are one thousand men (this is a lie, as Castle Black only had six hundred men before the great ranging, and the garrison now is closer to three hundred). Tormund tells Jon that he likes him, but if he's lying to them, he'll rip his guts out through his throat. Jon and Ygritte then walk away, but she steals his sword Longclaw, making him chase her to get it back. She leads him into a nearby cave, which is heated by natural hotsprings, which form a waterfall and a pool. Ygritte starts disrobing, and says that she wants to make sure Jon Snow has truly come over to the wildlings's side and broken his Night's Watch vows: by making him break his oath of celibacy with her. She quickly shucks off all of her clothes and walks up to him naked. Jon is very hesitant to break his vows, and very shy because he's never had sex before. Ygritte questions why he's still dressed, and they start kissing. Jon continues to kiss down her body as she insists that he has no experience and therefore "You know nothing, Jon Sn--" but stops mid-word as Jon starts performing oral sex on her. Some time after they finish having sex, they lie together in a naked embrace. Ygritte asks if "that thing you did with your mouth" is what Lords do to their Ladies in the south, but Jon says she just seemed to like it when he kissed her there. He admits he's never had sex with anyone before and is "a maid", according to Ygritte. Ygritte starts listing off some wildling boys she's had sex with before. The first was a boy who also had red hair like her, which is rare among the wildlings and considered very lucky: they call having red hair being "kissed by fire". Another was a Thenn that was "built like a mammoth", but he could not speak the Common Tongue. Jon and Ygritte then slide into the hot springs pool to take a bath together and they romantically cuddle more. Ygritte tells Jon she wishes they could stay in this cave forever instead of having to leave and face the winter, wars, and monsters outside.

    In Slaver's Bay

    In Slaver's Bay, Daenerys Targaryen's new army of freed Unsullied, having just sacked Astapor, head north to the next of the three great slaver-cities, Yunkai. Ser Jorah Mormont tells Ser Barristan Selmy how he was knighted at the end of the Greyjoy Rebellion, in which they both fought. Jorah explains that he was the second man through the breach during the Siege of Pyke, right behind Thoros of Myr, who charged in headlong waving about his flaming sword. Barristan thinks this is amusing as he wasn't there (he was commanding the assault on Old Wyk at the time). King Robert Baratheon himself knighted Jorah for his bravery that day, the proudest of Jorah's life, though he says what he was most thinking about was that he really needed to piss because he'd been sealed in metal plate armor for sixteen hours straight. Barristan admits that Robert was a good man and a good warrior, but laments that he turned out to be a terrible king. Barristan is sorry that he wasted so much of his life defending kings who didn't deserve it. He spent seventeen years defending Robert, and the Mad King before that. Barristan explains that a man of honor must keep his vows no matter what, whether he's serving a drunk or a lunatic. Barristan says that just once before he dies, he wants to know what it's like to serve with pride, fighting for someone he believes in. Their talk turns to Daenerys, and Jorah says that Barristan can believe in her. Barristan says she'll have good men to advise her, though he respectfully warns that it might not be well for her to be seen with Jorah at her side when they return to Westeros; Jorah admits that he may never be rid of the moral taint of selling slaves, which is abhorred in Westeros. Jorah then begins to subtly ask about the advisors on the Small Council, if any of them spoke against Robert when he wanted Daenerys, the last Targaryen, assassinated. It becomes apparent that Jorah is trying to figure out if Barristan knew that Jorah was initially a spy for King Robert, reporting back to Varys. Jorah's report that Daenerys was pregnant is what made Robert demand that Daenerys be assassinated at a Small Council meeting with Eddard Stark. Jorah points out that the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard traditionally holds a seat on the Small Council. However, Barristan explains that as a former Kingsguard member under Aerys Targaryen, and one who'd killed several of Robert's friends, while Robert didn't mind keeping him in his position as a guard, he never really trusted his advice, so he left him out of Small Council meetings. Jorah is relieved that Barristan was therefore not present at any council meeting so he couldn't have learned that Jorah was sending it reports on Daenerys. Jorah and Barristan briefly bicker about the fact that Barristan only just came to them, while Jorah was defending Daenerys from Robert Baratheon's assassins for months, and Barristan isn't Lord Commander here; Jorah takes his orders from Daenerys. Meanwhile, Daenerys and her translator/aide-de-camp Missandei meet with the assembled officers of the Unsullied. She addresses them in Low Valyrian, and says that now they are no longer slaves but free men and they can make their own choices, and she asked them to choose one among them to be leader of all the Unsullied. They part ranks and one of the eunuchs steps forward. She asks him to remove his helmet and tell her his name, and he introduces himself as "Grey Worm." Daenerys is confused, and Missandei explains that when the slavemasters of Astapor castrate slave-boys to train them as Unsullied, they force new slave-names onto them which are intentionally demeaning, usually a combination of a color and a kind of vermin, i.e. "Grey Worm", "Red Flea", "Black Rat", etc. This is to enforce the mentality in the Unsullied that this is just what they are: worthless, expendable vermin. Disgusted, Daenerys issues the command that all Unsullied must choose their own new names as free men, or reclaim the names their parents gave them. The Unsullied commander says that he will continue to be known as "Grey Worm". His original name is accursed, because it was the name he had when he was taken as a slave, but "Grey Worm" is a lucky name he will bear with pride, because it is the name he had when he was set free by Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen. Daenerys is deeply touched by his loyalty.

    At Riverrun

    At Riverrun, the prisoners Martyn and Willem Lannister (squires fifteen and fourteen years old, respectively) awake to hear shouting and fighting outside the door to their cell. Lord Rickard Karstark fights his way into the room with some of his own men. A guard is killed while attempting to stop them. Confused, Willem asks if this is a rescue, and is promptly killed by the Karstark men. Martyn begs that he is just a squire and didn't do anything, but Lord Rickard ignores his pleas and stabs him in the belly with a dagger, killing him. The bloody corpses of the two Lannister prisoners are laid out on the floor in front of King in the North Robb Stark in Riverrun's main meeting room. Robb is disgusted, remarking that Karstark needed five men to brutally murder two unarmed squires in their own prison cell. Karstark insists that it was a father's vengeance. Robb points out that these boys had nothing to do with the death of Karstark's sons, who were both killed by Jaime Lannister. Rickard explains that he was denied his vengeance when Robb's mother Catelyn set Jaime free in hopes of a prisoner exchange for her daughters in King's Landing. Finally having enough, Karstark did the next best thing, and killed Jaime's kin who they held prisoner. Robb angrily shouts that they were only little boys, and Karstark can't blame Catelyn for his treasonous killing of prisoners of war. Karstark stands firm, and says the only treason is in letting their enemies go, when in war they should be killing them. He insults Robb by asking him if his father ever taught him that. Brynden Tully punches Karstark over this remark, but Robb tells him to leave Karstark alone. Karstark has utterly lost faith in Robb, and says that the King in the North will just give him a scolding, though he should probably call him "the King Who Lost the North" after he allowed Winterfell to fall. Robb orders all of Karstark's men hanged, and to hang the watcher last so he can "watch" the others die. Rickard Karstark himself is sent to the dungeons. Robb's uncle Edmure Tully insists that if word of this leaves Riverrun, Tywin Lannister will exact heavy reprisals for the deaths of his young nephews. Therefore, he suggests that they just quietly bury the boys, and simply keep silent about their deaths until the war is over. Robb, however, refuses to be a liar; he says he cannot fight a war in the name of justice if he will not serve justice to murderers within his own ranks. All of Robb's advisors tell him this is a bad idea. Catelyn and his wife Talisa warn him that the Karstark soldiers will abandon his cause and return home if he executes their lord, and they are already badly outnumbered. Catelyn says they should keep Lord Rickard hostage, and Edmure agrees, saying that they can just keep him hostage and tell the other Karstarks that no harm will come to him so long as they remain loyal. Robb ignores their pleas, and he has Lord Karstark brought out to the courtyard of Riverrun to be executed during a driving rainstorm. Karstark points out that not only are both of their Houses descended from the First Men, but the Starks and Karstarks are kin (as House Karstark is a cadet branch of House Stark, founded centuries ago by younger son Karlon Stark). Robb says that their blood relationship did not stop Rickard from betraying him and won't stop Robb from executing him now. Rickard says it isn't meant to stop Robb: he wants it to haunt Robb until the day he dies. With his last words, Lord Rickard says that Robb will be cursed as a kinslayer and that Robb is no king of his. Obedient to the laws of his father Eddard Stark who said that the man who passes the sentence must swing the sword, Robb pronounces the sentence of death and personally beheads Lord Rickard. Robb's strict adherence to justice makes things turn out just as badly as his advisors said they would: the Karstarks withdraw their soldiers from his army and march for home. This results in Robb losing almost half of his forces which were stationed at Riverrun. Robb openly admits to Talisa that she was right, and he made a mistake. Robb says Tywin Lannister realizes that he's in such a strong position he doesn't even need to attack the Northerners anymore, he just needs to wait, and let their demoralized forces unravel. When the war began Robb's army was unified around a central purpose, but now they have lost momentum, and his generals are acting like bickering children. Robb shows Talisa a war map of the Seven Kingdoms which depict Robb's armies concentrated around Riverrun and Harrenhal, Lannister and Tyrell armies overrunning the Stormlands, Lannister/Tyrell armies concentrated in King's Landing, and Greyjoy forces occupying the western coasts of the North. Talisa suggests that he try to take the fight to the Lannisters if they won't come to him, but he explains that this is hopeless. Taking King's Landing would have been difficult to begin with, but now Tywin and the bulk of the main Lannister army, as well as a large Tyrell army, are defending the city. Attacking the capital head-on would be suicide, and Tywin would crush them within a day. Talisa suggests that he lead his army back to the North to repulse the Greyjoys from his homeland and rebuild his powerbase. Robb points out that as soon as all of his tired soldiers are back home, they won't want to leave again, particularly because "winter is coming," and the coming one is expected to be very long, five years or more. The Northerners have been away from their farms fighting in the war, however, so they haven't even begun to collect harvests to set aside as winter stockpiles. Thus if Robb returns to the North, it will be difficult to rally his men to return south to defend the Riverlords who declared for him. Eyeing the map with Talisa, Robb decides that if King's Landing is too strong to attack and he can't return home, his only remaining option is to strike where his enemy is weakest. Robb decides that with the main Lannister army-group under Tywin now positioned all the way to the east in King's Landing, he needs to return to the Westerlands and make an all-or-nothing assault against Casterly Rock. This will make the Lannisters lose face, just as Robb did when he lost his home castle of Winterfell, and bring momentum back to his army. However, with the loss of the Karstark forces, they don't currently have enough men to consider attacking Casterly Rock. The only way they can gain enough soldiers to even attempt such an assault is if Robb can win back the allegiance of House Frey, whose thousands of soldiers withdrew from Robb's army when he broke his promise to make a marriage-alliance with them by marrying Talisa, a political nobody, instead of one of the Lord Walder Frey's daughters. Thus, Robb must try to repair his alliance with House Frey.


    •Petyr Baratheon (corpse) •Tommard Baratheon (corpse) •Edric Baratheon (corpse) •Princess Shireen Baratheon •Grey Worm •Olyvar


    •Lord Beric Dondarrion (later resurrected) •Willem Lannister •Martyn Lannister •Lord Rickard Karstark


    •Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lannister •Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as Ser Jaime Lannister •Lena Headey as Queen Cersei Lannister •Emilia Clarke as Queen Daenerys Targaryen •Kit Harington as Jon Snow •Richard Madden as King Robb Stark •Iain Glen as Ser Jorah Mormont •Michelle Fairley as Lady Catelyn Stark •Aidan Gillen as Lord Petyr Baelish •Charles Dance as Lord Tywin Lannister •Liam Cunningham as Ser Davos Seaworth •Stephen Dillane as King Stannis Baratheon •Natalie Dormer as Lady Margaery Tyrell •Oona Chaplin as Queen Talisa Stark •Sophie Turner as Princess Sansa Stark •Maisie Williams as Princess Arya Stark •Joe Dempsie as Gendry •Rose Leslie as Ygritte •Rory McCann as Sandor Clegane

    Guest starring

    •Diana Rigg as Lady Olenna Tyrell •Gwendoline Christie as Brienne of Tarth •Ian McElhinney as Ser Barristan Selmy •Michael McElhatton as Lord Roose Bolton •Paul Kaye as Thoros of Myr •Richard Dormer as Lord Beric Dondarrion •Mackenzie Crook as Orell •Anton Lesser as Qyburn •Clive Russell as Ser Brynden Tully •Tobias Menzies as Lord Edmure Tully •Kristofer Hivju as Tormund •Noah Taylor as Locke •Finn Jones as Ser Loras Tyrell •John Stahl as Lord Rickard Karstark •Tara Fitzgerald as Queen Selyse Baratheon •Kerry Ingram as Princess Shireen Baratheon •Nathalie Emmanuel as Missandei •Jacob Anderson as Grey Worm •Philip McGinley as Anguy •Daniel Portman as Podrick Payne •Will Tudor as Olyvar •Dean-Charles Chapman as Martyn Lannister •Timothy Gibbons as Willem Lannister •Shaun Blaney as a Karstark watcher


    •Jamie Michie as Steelshanks •Dennis McKeever as a Night's Watch officer •Tyrone Kearns as a Brotherhood member •Niall O'Donnell as a Bathhouse Boy •Rachel Puchkoff as Khaleesi Handmaiden #1

    Sandor Clegane: "I want my gold.Thoros of Myr: "It says it clearly right there on that note, you'll be repaid in full when the war's over."

    Sandor: "Piss on that! You're nothing but thieves!"

    Anguy: "We're outlaws. Outlaws steal. You're lucky we didn't kill you."

    Sandor: "Come try it, archer. I'll shove those arrows up your ass!"

    King Robb Stark: "Is that all of them? [Ser Brynden nods] It took five of you to murder two unarmed squires?"

    Lord Rickard Karstark: "Not murder, Your Grace. Vengeance!"

    •"Kissed by fire" is a phrase used by the wildlings to describe people who are red-haired. Ygritte is described as "kissed by fire." To be "kissed by fire" is considered to be blessed with good luck.

    •The music playing over the credits is "It's Always Summer Under the Sea," sang by Kerry Ingram as Shireen Baratheon. It appeared on the official soundtrack release with Ingram credited.

    •In the books, Jon's sexual encounter with Ygritte in the cave is told from Jon's narrative POV, and thus contains some inner thought monologue lost on a TV audience. In his head, Jon is actually deeply ashamed that he broke his solemn vow of celibacy; morever, he knows that sooner or later he'll have to escape from the wildlings, and does not wish to hurt Ygritte's feelings; lastly, he fears that he may get Ygritte pregnant. Thus in his thoughts he swears to himself that he will never break his vow again. Ultimately this was for naught, however, as he ended up having sex again with Ygritte later that very same night, twice, and then once again a few hours later as night turned into morning.

    •According to Bryan Cogman, the cave with a waterfall that Jon and Ygritte have sex in was actually a set in Belfast, Northern Ireland. The cave that the Brotherhood Without Banners is based, where the fight between Beric Dondarrion and Sandor Clegane takes place, was actually filmed in the same set, simply redressed.

    •After the duel, Beric comments "Second time I've been killed by a Clegane" - referring very vaguely to the Battle at the Mummer's Ford, in which he was killed (for the first time) by the Mountain. That battle has never been mentioned in the show, only in "Brotherhood Without Banners".

    •Daenerys Targaryen's scenes in Essos were originally written by Benioff and Weiss as part of the episode following this one, "The Climb." They were subsequently pushed back into the script for this episode. Cogman also didn't write the scene in this episode between Jon Snow and Orell. The first parts Cogman wrote for this episode were all of the Arya scenes. The last ones he wrote were Sansa scenes, which proved very difficult, but had to be rewritten anyway due to a production issue. While the Daenerys scenes were written by Benioff and Weiss for "The Climb," they were moved into "Kissed by Fire" early enough in the scripting process that they were all actually directed by Alex Graves, who directed the rest of the episode (as opposed to being filmed by Alik Sakharov, who directed "The Climb," and then simply edited into this episode).

    •The episode is adapted from the following chapters of A Storm of Swords:

    •Chapter 6, Sansa I: The Tyrells offer Sansa to be wed to Margaery's brother.

    •Chapter 19, Tyrion III: Tyrion is forcibly engaged to Sansa by Tywin, who also decides to marry Cersei off.

    •Chapter 20, Catelyn III: Willem Lannister and another child squire are killed by Rickard Karstark as revenge for the death of his children. Robb orders Rickard's accomplices to be hanged. Although Robb is urged by Edmure not to execute Rickard but instead to keep him hostage and keep the murder of the squires a secret, Robb decides that is not the honorable thing to do. Robb carries out Rickard's sentence personally, who curses him before dying. Robb loses all the Karstark men.

    •Chapter 22, Arya IV: Arya offers Gendry to come to Riverrun and serve Robb, but he refuses.

    •Chapter 25, Davos III: Davos is imprisoned in the dungeons of Dragonstone.

    • 2 min
    • 40
  2. " Kissed by Fire " is the fifth episode of the third season of HBO 's fantasy television series Game of Thrones, and the 25th episode of the series. Directed by Alex Graves and written by Bryan Cogman, it aired on April 28, 2013. The title of the episode refers to the red-haired Wildlings, like Ygritte, who are said to be "kissed by fire".

  3. Apr 29, 2013 · Our recap of Game of Thrones season 3 episode 5, titled "Kissed by Fire." Game of Thrones airs on HBO.

    • Allison Keene
  4. Buy Game of Thrones — Season 3, Episode 5 on Fandango at HomeTRAILER. The Hound is judged by the gods; Jaime is judged; Jon proves himself; Robb is betrayed; Tyrion learns the cost of...

    • (37)
    • Peter Dinklage
    • Alex Graves
    • April 17, 2011
  5. Game of Thrones | Season 3 | Episode 5. Kissed by Fire. TV-MA | 57 MIN. WATCH NOW. Written by Bryan Cogman. Directed by Alex Graves. In the Brotherhood Without Banners' hideout, the Hound's trial begins. Thoros of Myr slices Lord Beric Dondarrion's outstretched hand, using the blood to ignite Beric's sword.

  6. In Riverrun, a vengeful Lord Karstark kills the two Lannister hostages. Despite the advice of his wife and mother, Robb chooses to execute him, losing him the half of his army who were loyal to Karstark.

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