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  1. Leonard & Lesley are passionate to see people walk in the fullness of freedom. It is their heart to see Love transform individuals, families, churches, businesses, cities regions and nations; unto every human being experiencing continual Love from the Source of all Love. Learn More.

  2. Who We Are. Leonard & Lesley Hays. Leonard and Lesley Hays have given their lives for the Gospel. From the beginning, literally plucked out of the fire, and dropped into the awaiting arms of a loving Father. Truly, they were two of the least likely candidates for a life of ministry.

  3. Leonard grew up in Wisconsin, and Lesley in Ohio and Illinois, USA. Leonard earned a bachelor’s degree in economics and history from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and a master’s degree in clinical psychology from Illinois’ Wheaton College.

  4. We do this through many different mediums. I will say the best way we have discovered is through an A school of Fatherheart Ministries (Leonard & Lesley are recognized school team leaders with Fatherheart Ministries that lead schools around the globe). Living Loved Project is our 501(c)3, non-profit organization. We love what we get to do!

    • Series Overview
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    Season 1

    Leslie makes her debut in "The Fuzzy Boots Corollary." Leonard, feeling his pursuit of his neighbor Penny is pointless, asked her out on a date because he thought she was in his league. She kisses him to see whether they have any chemistry, and although complimenting his technique, turns the offer down when she feels no arousal. This incident, and his hopeless infatuation with Penny, causes Leonard to go into a state of depression. In her next appearance in "The Hamburger Postulate", she goes...

    Season 2

    After Leonard and Penny decide not to pursue a relationship, Leslie approaches Leonard for a true relationship, despite her previous unwillingness. She allows him to have the "male role," despite continuing to dominate and manage their relationship, and goes a bit far when she questions Leonard on any faults and genetic defects he has, and talks about having children on the first date. Sheldon is perturbed by Leonard's attachment to Leslie and ponders why, of all the overrated physicists in a...

    Season 3

    Leslie is absent throughout season 3, only appearing in the final episode, "The Lunar Excitation." Leonard shows up at her door and suggests they sleep together again after Penny had slept with him after they had broken up. She responds with "Let me think about it," before slamming the door in his face, he realizes she is not coming back. This is Leslie's last appearance in the show for six years.

    Leslie specializes in high energy physics, particularly searching for supersymmetry with like-sign dileptons. Leslie believes loop quantum gravity is the future of physics and better unites quantum mechanics with general relativity than string theorydoes. She posits that only loop quantum gravity calculates the entropy of black holes and expects qu...

    Leslie severely dislikes Sheldon as evidenced in most episodes. Leslie takes her job seriously (when she isn't using the equipment for food preparation) and is very intelligent; she figured out a problem Sheldon had been working on without difficulty, much to his irritation. She cares so much about science that it affects her love life. Her partner...


    Leonardtries to ask her out because he considers her to be in his league and they decide to kiss to see if they have sexual chemistry. Though Leslie compliments Leonard on his kissing technique, Leslie feels no arousal, and thus, no date occurs. She eventually puts forth an offer of sexual availability towards Leonard one evening after a string quartet practice in which she plays the violin and the two engage in sexual intercourse, but she reveals that she only desires sex infrequently while...


    Sheldon originally had no animosity towards Leslie, as he was the one who encouraged Leonard to pursue her. After her first dalliance with Leonard, she was able to fix a problem Sheldon was having in showing that quarks are asymptotically free at high energies by changing the sign of the beta function β(g) of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) on his whiteboard, greatly irritating him. When she insulted his intelligence, he came to hate her, considering her his "archenemy" playing the role of a "Dr...


    In "The Cushion Saturation" (S02E16), during a Caltech paintball game, she begins an affair with Howard Wolowitz. When telling Leonard, Raj, and Sheldon of his relationship with Leslie, Howard reveals that Leslie is the fifth woman to sleep with Howard without being paid. She allows him access to experimental equipment (like a rapid prototyper) in spite of budget cuts and a research trip to Geneva to check out CERN's supercollider, using some unrestricted grant money Caltech gave her. She ess...

    Sheldon got mad when Leslie and Leonard briefly dated, when, ironically, he was the one who suggested Leonard pursue her in the first place. When he did; however, he had no ill feelings towards her.
    Leslie's only appearance in the third season was its finale, which was also her last appearance in the series before the 200th episode in the ninth season.
    Out of all of Penny's rivals for Leonard's affection, Leslie was perhaps the smallest threat, as she and Leonard only dated for one episode. She is really more of a friend to the guys, since she is...
    Leslie is one of the only people who can make Sheldon stutter.
    List of The Big Bang Theory characters#Leslie Winkle|Leslie Winkle on Wikipedia
  5. 202407jun 08 Living Loved Clarence, New York, USA 19:46:46 Time Left Event Type Conferences. 202409jun 15 'A' School Silver Lake, New York, USAEvent Type ‘A’ School. 202416jun 29 Summer Camp 2024 Living Together in the Love of the FatherEvent Type Other Events.

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  7. Dec 6, 2019 · Join us for a weekend conference titled “The Kingdom of the Son of His Love” – Dec 6th-7th, 2019, presented by Leonard and Lesley Hays of Fatherheart Ministries.

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