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  1. Friedrich "Fritz" Pfeffer (30 April 1889 – 20 December 1944) was a German dentist and Jewish refugee who hid with Anne Frank and her family and the Van Pels family during the Nazi occupation of the Netherlands. He perished in the Neuengamme concentration camp in Northern Germany.

  2. Fritz Pfeffer was one of the eight people in hiding in the Secret Annex and shared a room with Anne Frank. Read his biography here.

  3. On 16 November 1942, Fritz Pfeffer went into hiding in the Secret Annex. He was the dentist of Miep Gies and an acquaintance of Otto and Edith Frank. His fiancé Charlotte Kaletta had been a guest at the wedding of Miep and Jan Gies the previous year.

  4. Fritz Pfeffer flees Germany for the Netherlands. Dec. 9, 1938 Amsterdam. Fritz Pfeffer was a dentist in Berlin. He was engaged to Charlotte Kaletta, who was a Roman Catholic. He could not marry her, because the German racial laws prohibited marriages between Jews and non-Jews.

  5. Fritz Pfeffer in refugee camp at Hook of Holland. Hoek van Holland Dec. 19, 1938 - Dec. 24, 1938. In late 1938, the Dutch government decided that all men who had entered the country illegally between 9 November and 17 December that year had to go to a refugee camp in Hook of Holland.

  6. Dec 15, 2008 · Charlotte Kaletta married Fritz Pfeffer posthumously on 9 April 1953. His son, Werner, survived the war in England and emigrated to the United States in 1947.

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  8. Pfeffer. From Anne's descriptions, Fritz Pfeffer emerges as a religious man. In one of her stories, she describes how she had to witness Pfeffer praying on Sunday mornings. According to Otto Frank, Pfeffer said his prayers every Friday, a day that is also a more logical one

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