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  1. The Uzbek Wikipedia (Uzbek: Ўзбекча Википедия, Oʻzbekcha Vikipediya) is the Uzbek-language edition of the free online encyclopedia Wikipedia. It was founded in December 2003. Articles in the Uzbek-language edition are written in the Latin script.

  2. Uzbekistan is a secular state, with a semi-presidential constitutional government. Uzbekistan comprises 12 regions (vilayats), Tashkent City, and one autonomous republic, Karakalpakstan.

  3. · wiki · UzbeksUzbeks - Wikipedia

    The Uzbeks (Uzbek: Oʻzbek, Ўзбек, اۉزبېک ‎, plural: Oʻzbeklar, Ўзбеклар, اۉزبېکلر ‎) are a Turkic ethnic group native to the wider Central Asian region, being among the largest Turkic ethnic groups in the area.

  4. Mamlakatda, shuningdek, dunyodagi eng yirik oltin konlari mavjud. Sovet davridagi ulkan energiya ishlab chiqarish qurilmalari va tabiiy gazni yetkazib berish bilan Oʻzbekiston Markaziy Osiyodagi eng yirik elektr ishlab chiqaruvchisi boʻldi.

  5. The Uzbek Wikipedia (Uzbek: Ўзбекча Википедия, Oʻzbekcha Vikipediya) is the Uzbek-language edition of the free online encyclopedia Wikipedia. It was founded in December 2003. Articles in the Uzbek-language edition are written in the Latin script.

  6. The Uzbek Wikipedia (Uzbek: Oʻzbekcha Vikipediya) is the Uzbek-language edition of Wikipedia. This edition was started in December 2003. As of October 2015, it is the 44th largest edition of Wikipedia by number of articles. [1] As of July 2013, it has over 127,000 articles. [2]

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  8. Oʻzbekcha Vikipediya — Vikipediya ochiq ensiklopediyasining oʻzbek tilidagi boʻlimi. Oʻzbekcha Vikipediya 2003-yil dekabrda oʻz faoliyatini boshlagan. Ayni damda oʻzbekcha Vikipediyaning 299 951 ta maqolasi mavjud.

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