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  1. › wiki › Xu_ShiyouXu Shiyou - Wikipedia

    Xu Shiyou (Chinese: 许世友; pinyin: Xǔ Shìyǒu; Wade–Giles: Hsü Shih-yu; 1906–October 22 1985) was a general in the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

  2. Xu Shiyou (1905–1985; Chinese: 许世友; pinyin: Xǔ Shìyǒu) was a general in the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Born in Xinxian, Henan Province (it belonged to Hubei previously), Xu grew up studying martial arts at the Shaolin Temple for eight years and he later became a soldier in Wu Peifu's warlord army.

  3. Oct 24, 1985 · Gen. Xu Shiyou, once a Buddhist kung fu monk and later said to have protected the current Chinese leader, Deng Xiaoping, from the wrath of Chairman Mao Tse-tung, has died at the age...

  4. Oct 24, 1985 · Gen. Xu Shiyou, a veteran of the Long March who held top Chinese military posts for a quarter of a century, died Tuesday in the eastern city of Nanjing, the New China News Agency announced. He...

  5. “Xu Shiyou,” in Song Yuwu (ed.), A Biographical Dictionary of the People’s Republic of China, North Carolina and London: McFarland & Company, 2013, pp. 352-354. “American Volunteer Group,” “Banner System,” “Damansky Island,” “Manchuria,” and

  6. 许世友 (1906年2月28日—1985年10月22日),原名 释友 ,字 汉禹 ,法号 永祥 ,男, 湖北 麻城 (今 河南 新县 )人, 中国人民解放军 军事将领、 中华人民共和国开国上将 。 许世友出身贫苦农村,少年時曾在 少林寺 出家 並學習 中國武術 , 红军 时期在 红四方面军 任职,曾任 红四军 军长。 长征 到达 陕北 后,因中共中央有意鬥爭 张国焘 的缘故,而與王建安等十餘名高級幹部一度計畫脫離紅軍。 抗日战争 时期,任 八路军 129师 386旅副旅长, 八路军 山东纵队 第三旅旅长,山东纵队参谋长,胶东军区司令员。 国共内战 时期任 华东野战军 第九纵队司令员、山东兵团司令员。

  7. Instead of waiting for the 41st Army to break through enemy defense from the north, General Xu Shiyou, the overall commander of the Chinese campaign in Vietnam, ordered an immediate assault on the city.