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  1. › wiki › Petru_GrozaPetru Groza - Wikipedia

    Petru Groza (7 December 1884 – 7 January 1958) was a Romanian politician, best known as the first Prime Minister of the Communist Party-dominated government under Soviet occupation during the early stages of the Communist regime in Romania, and later as the President of the Presidium of the Great National Assembly (nominal head of state of ...

  2. › wiki › Petru_GrozaPetru Groza - Wikipedia

    Petru Groza (n. 7 decembrie 1884, Băcia, Hunedoara – d. 7 ianuarie 1958, București) a fost un avocat și om politic român, prim-ministru în primele guverne comuniste ale României, între 1945 și 1952.

  3. › en › Petru_GrozaPetru Groza - Wikiwand

    Petru Groza was a Romanian politician, best known as the first Prime Minister of the Communist Party-dominated government under Soviet occupation during the early stages of the Communist regime in Romania, and later as the President of the Presidium of the Great National Assembly from 1952 until his death in 1958.

  4. Petru Groza was a Transylvanian landowner and scholar who became a Communist puppet after joining the National Democratic Front in 1944. He implemented land reform, reconciled with Hungary, and accommodated the Soviet Union, but also faced purges and exploitation.

  5. Petru Groza's Premiership. Romania Table of Contents. Petru Groza's appointment amounted to a de facto Communist takeover. Groza named Communists to head the army and the ministries of interior, justice, propaganda, and economic affairs.

  6. Contents. Petru Groza. premier of Romania. Learn about this topic in these articles: history of Romania. In Romania: The seizure of power. …government led by the fellow-traveler Petru Groza on March 6. Read More.

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  8. Petru Groza (n. 7 decembrie 1884, Băcia, judeţul Hunedoara - d. 7 ianuarie 1958, Bucureşti), jurist, deputat, ministru, preşedinte al Consiliului de Miniştri, preşedinte al Prezidiului Marii Adunări Naţionale. Crescut în familia politică a românilor ardeleni, Petru Groza şi-a fondat propriul partid cu care a intrat imediat sub ...

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