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  1. How To Cook Frozen Shrimp Recipe - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Hau's Vietnamese Spring Rolls
    My friend and coworker used to bring these spring rolls to potluck lunches where they were inhaled by everyone. They are so delicious! The number of egg rolls this recipe makes is an estimate. The preparation and frying times depend on how quickly you can make the spring rolls and how many you're frying at that time. The spring rolls can be made ahead of time, frozen and cooked when you need them.
    Easy Chicken Stir Fry and Baked Spring Rolls
    I love the idea of "Cook Once Eat Twice". There are those days when you just can't get into the kitchen, but certainly want a good meal. This recipe fits the bill. My version of a chicken stir fry that can be served immediately, or rolled into phyllo leaves for spring rolls which can be frozen and baked at a later date. Great for entertaining, a healthy snack, or a lighter meal served with a salad and a variety of dipping sauces. Feel free to switch the chicken for beef, pork or shrimp. Any variety of vegetables will work also. Vegetarians in your family? Eliminate the meat completely, for a dish that everyone will enjoy. The combinations are endless. You can use melted butter when preparing the rolls, however I prefer to use cooking spray as it's easier then brushing the extremely thin pastry sheets. Note: cooking time will vary depending on how crispy you prefer your vegetables. Servings sizes and nutritional values will not be completely accurate as posted if you are having just the stir fry, as it also includes the phyllo dough. See below for information on preparing Spring Rolls. Don't let the long list of ingredients and directions scare you off. This works up very quickly.
    Good New Orleans Creole Gumbo
    I am going to give you my Creole gumbo recipe. I learned to cook from my mother and grandmother who were born and raised in New Orleans and really knew how to cook. Most of the time, you could not get them to write down their recipes because they used a 'pinch' of this and 'just enough of that' and 'two fingers of water,' and so on. This recipe is a combination of both of their recipes which I have added to over the years. Serve over hot cooked rice. The gumbo can be frozen or refrigerated and many people like it better the next day. Bon appetit!