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  1. How To Cook Frozen Shrimp - Yahoo Recipe Search

    How to Cook Chicken Paella
    How To Cook Chicken Paella With Chicken Breast, Salt, Water, Olive Oil, Garlic, Onions, Green Pepper, Paprika, Peppercorns, Rice, Frozen Green Peas, Tomatoes, Chicken Stock, Rock Salt, Saffron, Clams, Shrimps, Cheese, Lemon, Parsley
    Shrimp Fried Rice
    How to Make Shrimp Fried Rice
    Shrimp Fried Rice
    How to Make Shrimp Fried Rice
    Shrimp Fried Rice
    How to Make Shrimp Fried Rice
    Shrimp Fried Rice
    How to Make Shrimp Fried Rice
    Shrimp Fried Rice
    How to Make Shrimp Fried Rice
    Shrimp Fried Rice
    How to Make Shrimp Fried Rice
    Shrimp Etouffe
    This is another of my family favorites. I learned how to make this rich, shrimp stew when we lived in Louisiana. It is fast & simple to prepare and tastes great. I honestly almost always use the precooked frozen shrimp in this, as they are available year round. I am completely guessing on the prep and cook times - I know I can get this dish ready in under an hour from start to finish, including thawing the fish and chopping the veggies. The cooking goes very quickly. I serve this atop bowls of hot rice and make hot sauce available to add more heat to individual servings. If you happen to have cooked crawfish, you can use that as well.
    Hau's Vietnamese Spring Rolls
    My friend and coworker used to bring these spring rolls to potluck lunches where they were inhaled by everyone. They are so delicious! The number of egg rolls this recipe makes is an estimate. The preparation and frying times depend on how quickly you can make the spring rolls and how many you're frying at that time. The spring rolls can be made ahead of time, frozen and cooked when you need them.