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  1. Jan 13, 2019 · After being married a couple of years, I knew I needed to figure out how to finish my bachelor's degree so that I could get into seminary. I started taking classes part time (extremely difficult with full time work, mandatory overtime, a wife, and small children). I graduated last year, and now, at 28, I am midway through my first year in seminary.

  2. Jun 24, 2010 · It is likely because most Reformed seminaries draw from Presbyterian denominations which have as a requirement that that candidates for ordination ordinarily have a Bachelor's and then a degree from seminary.

  3. Dec 1, 2009 · However, TNARS starts with Associates, followed by Bachelors, as prerequisites for Masters. Go get 'em. Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary allows for certain individuals to go through their MDIV etc..programs but the catch is that at the end you are rewarded a Bachelors degree instead of the Masters degree.

  4. Apr 26, 2017 · It is also worth noting that seminaries accredited by the Association of Theological Schools are allowed to admit a small number of students (less than 15% of the student body) to the M.Div. or an professional MA program (counseling, missions, christian education, etc.) without a bachelor's degree.

  5. Apr 27, 2008 · A traditional M -DIV is about 100-120 hours where an MAR is much shorter and has the same theological emphasis. You can get bachelors degrees completely on line from places like Moody Bible Institute. The PCA will accept degrees from Whitefield Seminary for ordination, and you can get both bachelors and masters and M/B-DIV's if you want.

  6. Oct 22, 2006 · Let's put it in perspective: I majored in history and minored in Greek/New Testament studies. I can write and think well and read big books. That being said I now have to take at least 2 years off seminary, get certification in another field (I will be working full time while getting the certification) and then go back to seminary actually being able to afford it.

  7. Oct 1, 2015 · In fact, if you are going to an accredited seminary for your master's degree, you probably have more leeway in where you get your undergraduate and what you get it in. Many seminaries accept virtually any bachelor's degree as a prerequisite.