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  1. Emotion regulation is the ability to exert control over one’s own emotional state. It may involve behaviors such as rethinking a challenging situation to reduce anger or anxiety, hiding visible ...

  2. Aug 29, 2014 · Emotions function like a compass, signaling rewards and threats in the environment. However, this compass is far from infallible. In fact, it is relatively easy for it to point us in the wrong ...

    • Overview
    • Understanding Emotion Regulation
    • Examples
    • The Process Model
    • Healthy Skills
    • Tips

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    Many people with borderline personality disorder (BPD) struggle with basic emotion regulation skills. In fact, Marsha Linehan, one of the foremost researchers in BPD and the developer of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) for BPD, has suggested that emotion regulation deficits are at the core of the disorder.

    We all feel emotions, both negative or positive, on a daily basis. As children, most of us typically learn how to manage, express, and cope with these emotions in a healthy way. For some people though, including those with BPD, emotion regulation is much more difficult, sometimes due painful childhood experiences such as abuse or trauma, sometimes due to a biological vulnerability to emotional sensitivity, and sometimes because of not having been shown or taught how to manage difficult emotions.

    Though it's considered an important area of study in the world of psychology, so far there is no one agreed-upon definition of the term "emotion regulation."

    Many researchers define emotion regulation as the ability to enhance or reduce your emotions as needed.

    For example, if you feel upset in the middle of a meeting at work, you might try to distract yourself from whatever was upsetting you by thinking about something else.

    Other researchers use a much broader definition of emotion regulation, viewing it as a set of skills that help keep your emotional system healthy and functioning. Since emotions are not absolute and permanent, we can learn to adjust what emotion we have, how intense it is, when we have it, and how we react to it. The defining aspect of emotion regulation is that it occurs when a goal is activated.

    Goals are highly individual. They're what we picture in our heads—the way we'd like things to turn out. Your goals can be activated in a conscious or subconscious way by your environment, which includes people, objects, images, words, and sounds.

    Here are some examples of activated goals that trigger the regulation of your emotions:

    •Influencing a change in someone else: If you're a parent, your goal may be to help your child learn how to regulate his or her own emotions. When your child has a meltdown, you may feel angry or even amused, but instead of yelling or laughing, you regulate your emotions in order to talk to your child calmly about how she could react instead. This is referred to as extrinsic emotion regulation.

    •Influencing a change in yourself: If one of your goals is to be more positive, you may regulate your negative emotions by focusing on positive ones. Regulating your own emotions is called intrinsic emotion regulation. Sometimes this kind of regulation is driven by what our culture views as good or bad feelings, or how we should behave in certain circumstances, such as at a funeral.

    •Meeting long-term goals: You may also regulate your emotions in order to achieve another end goal. For instance, when your boss treats you poorly at work, you act as if it doesn't bother you because you're hoping for a job promotion.

    •Changing the intensity, duration, or type of emotions: At times, we work to increase or decrease the intensity of our emotions. For instance, you may feel depressed or anxious, but no one at work knows about it. We also change how long our emotions last. An example of this is not wanting to think about the anxiety you feel over financial difficulties and instead keeping your mind busy with other activities. At other times, we may change the type of emotion we feel. If you fell down in front of everyone, you can choose to laugh or blow it off instead of being embarrassed.

    •Unconscious regulation: This kind of emotion regulation happens without you even knowing or realizing it. An example of this would be quickly switching the channel when something you find upsetting comes on the television.

    The prevailing generic theory of emotion regulation is called the process model. First of all, our emotions are typically generated by a "situation, attention, appraisal, response" sequence, like this:

    •Situation: Emotion generation begins in a situation. It may be an external situation, such as a friend making a critical comment, or it may be a thought or emotion in your own head.

    •Attention: This situation grabs your attention. For instance, your attention may be drawn to the way your friend has his arms crossed as if he's angry.

    •Appraisal: You appraise the situation. In this example, you may be worried that this person no longer wants to be your friend.

    •Response: Your initial response can be physical and/or emotional. Your face may turn red and you may feel hurt. You then respond to the person, which may change the situation and start a new sequence all over again. For example, you tell your friend that the comment hurt your feelings and ask why he said it. He may then apologize or say he's having a bad day.

    When it comes to emotion regulation, we can pick any part of the above sequence of emotion generation and influence our emotions accordingly.

    Healthy emotion regulation includes components such as:

    •The ability to recognize that you're having an emotional response and to understand what that response is.

    •Accepting your emotional responses rather than rejecting them or reacting to them with fear. This can be difficult even for people who don't have BPD, as emotions such as anger or sadness are often discouraged by society.

    •The ability to access strategies that allow you to reduce the intensity of the emotion you're feeling when you need to. This means if someone has enraged you, you don't give in to the desire to physically lash out at them or hurl a long line of epithets their way. In fact, when you're upset, you should be able to engage in goal-directed behavior if you're well-versed in emotion regulation.

    •The ability to control impulsive behaviors when you're upset. If you feel like trashing your home because you received upsetting news, you can curb the inclination to throw everything on the floor or punch a hole in the wall.

    Because people with BPD can struggle with some or all of the skills on this list, this broader definition of emotion regulation mentioned above is probably the most helpful in describing the regulation deficits that are present in BPD. Fortunately, it is possible to develop some of the emotion regulation skills that you lack.

    If you need to work on your emotion regulation skills, this training is best done with the help of a BPD therapist since it's an important component of dialectical behavior therapy for BPD. However, you can try a few exercises on your own outside of therapy such as:

    •Reducing emotional vulnerability: Making sure you take good care of yourself by getting plenty of sleep, eating a healthy diet, staying active, and making time to do activities you enjoy can all go a long way in helping you avoid some of the emotional ups and downs associated with BPD.

    •Mindfulness skills: Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment and it's one of the core skills in DBT. Mindful people learn to be aware of the breaths they take, the tension in their muscles, and even their pulse rates. They chew their food slowly and intentionally, and listen to their bodies for cues that they are full. They can objectively observe themselves in difficult moments, confident that even these times will pass. Being mindful can help you learn how to use healthy coping skills to deal with your emotions.

    •Emotional acceptance: In and of themselves, emotions are not good or bad, though they may be scary, especially when they're intense. Learning how to accept your emotions takes practice, but the more you do it, the more natural it becomes. Mindfulness skills can help with this too.

    Do You Have Deficient Emotional Self-Regulation?

    5 Sources

  3. Defining Emotion Regulation. Emotion regulation occurs when people try to control or change any of the emotion components associated with an emotion experience, either consciously or unconsciously. People regulate their emotions when they influence (Gross, 2008): Gross (2015a, 2015b) identifies two ways people regulate emotions – intrinsic ...

  4. Jan 1, 2020 · Emotion regulation refers to all the processes involved in shaping which emotions one experiences, when emotions are experienced, and how these emotions are experienced and expressed (Gross 2015 ). In science as well as in day-to-day conversation, the scope of emotion regulation is often limited to suppressing negative emotions (Kashdan et al ...

  5. Oct 9, 2019 · Emotion regulation (ER) refers to attempts to influence emotions in ourselves or others. Over the past several decades, ER has become a popular topic across many subdisciplines within psychology. One framework that has helped to organize work on ER is the process model of ER, which distinguishes 5 families of strategies defined by when they impact the emotion generation process. The process ...

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