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  1. Barbra is getting frantic, and Jon talks to Rupert to get him moving. Rupert is frightened by Jon’s temper and grabs a plane for New York. We never hear from him again.

  2. He directed and contributed to the screenplay of the 1976 remake of A Star Is Born; and the in-fighting between himself, Barbra Streisand, Kris Kristofferson and producer (and at the time boyfriend of Streisand) Jon Peters on the film led him to write the article "My Battles with Barbra and Jon" for The Village Voice.

  3. His article "My Battles with Barbra and Jon" described his struggle with the film's star, Barbra Streisand and the producer, her then boyfriend Jon Peters, as...

  4. Sep 12, 2016 · Not so in 1976, where the scuffles between Streisand and director, Frank Pierson, the lauded screenwriter of Dog Day Afternoon, became big news, with an exposé in the Village Voice, as well as an article written by Pierson himself whose title says it all, “My Battles with Barbra and Jon.”

  5. A Star Is Born is a 1976 American musical romantic drama film directed by Frank Pierson, written by Pierson, John Gregory Dunne, and Joan Didion. It stars Barbra Streisand as an unknown singer and Kris Kristofferson as an established rock and roll star who fall in love, only to find her career ascending while his goes into decline.

  6. Star ’s director, Frank Pierson, wrote a damning article about the film in which he trashed Streisand and Peters. “My Battles with Barbra and Jon” was released in two magazines (New York and New West) one month before the film came out! The article was a character assassination of Streisand and Peters, and Pierson definitely talked “out ...

  7. Nov 1, 2023 · Streisand and Peters begged Pierson not to hurt their film by publishing it. The article was a betrayal to Streisand — a public airing of behind-the-scenes battles that, traditionally, were always kept private between director and star.