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  1. Schlotzsky's Bread - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Schlotzsky's Bread
    Schlotzsky's Bread With Warm Water, White Sugar, Active Dry Yeast, Baking Soda, Warm Water, Milk, Salt, Bread Flour, Cornmeal
    Schlotzsky's Deli Bread
    Schlotzsky's Deli Bread With Water, Sugar, Yeast, Milk, Salt, Baking Soda, Bread Flour, Cornmeal
    Schlotzsky's Deli Bread
    Schlotzsky's Deli Bread With Buns, Sugar, Yeast, Milk, Salt, Baking Soda, Bread Flour, Cornmeal
    Schlotzsky's Deli Bread
    This is a clone of the bread for Schlotsky's sandwich bread. It also makes wonderful toast. Schlotsky's is a chain delicatessen. I'm not sure where all their locations are but they are popular in Texas. See the recipe for the muffalata filling that is outstanding on this sandwich.
    Homemade Schlotzsky’s Bread
    Homemade Schlotzsky’s Bread With Warm Water, Sugar, Yeast, Warm Water, Baking Soda, Milk, Salt, Flour
    Schlotzsky's Bread
    Copycat recipe found at allrecipes. I could go to Schloztky's and be happy with a bread sandwich - can't wait to try this!
    Schlotzsky's Style Sourdough Batter Rolls
    If you love the buns that Schlotzsky's uses in their most excellent sandwiches, you will love these quick and easy sourdough batter rolls. Once you make this recipe, I think you will agree that I have achieved the "Schlotzsky's Style" taste, texture and light crunch in these flavorful dinner rolls. In developing this recipe, I found the the Scholtzsky's recipe online... well they use a proprietary mix plus water and yeast... and do not use a sourdough starter. Obviously, their dry mix contains a "sourdough" flavor so I had to adapt my recipe to use a liquid sourdough starter. I used their recipe to get the approximate ratio of dry ingredients to liquids... but then experimented from there. It took many trial and error attempts... trying ingredients like egg, buttermilk, milk, etc... but what I found was that simpler was better when trying to achieve the authentic taste and left out all those items. Additionally, Schlotzsky's uses a double rise method when making their buns, but my recipe uses a single rise method that is simpler and much faster. From start to finish, including preparation, rise and bake, these rolls can be ready in about an hour and twenty minutes... with very little hands-on time. Since this is a batter bread, the exact size of the wells in your muffin tin is very important... they should hold about 1/3 cup of water. if they are too small, the batter is liable to rise up and still over the boundaries of the muffin tin. You will notice that the recipe is easy to cut in half. This is because I used a small batch when creating the recipe. With these small rolls, you will find that 6 is rarely enough. I suggest planning on about 4 rolls per person. Finally, you will see that I am not a sourdough purist. It is primarily the fast-rise yeast that makes the dough rise. Interestingly enough... while the sourdough starter is used mainly for flavor, the rolls still have the big-hole texture associated with sourdough rolls. I hope you enjoy these rolls as much as we do!
    Copycat Homemade Schlotzsky's Sourdough Bread
    Copycat Homemade Schlotzsky's Sourdough Bread With Warm Water, Quick Rise Active Dry Yeast, Granulated Sugar, Milk, Salt, Baking Soda, All Purpose Flour, Cornmeal, Melted Butter, Nonstick Cooking Spray
    Sourdough Sandwich Buns (Schlotzsky Style)
    While searching the web looking for Schlotzsky's Sourdough Bread recipe I came across this on King Arthur's site. I think it's very close to the roll that they use on their original muffaletta sandwich. They are scrumptious and so easy to make! They're somewhere between a roll and an english muffin. Note that their direction require baking in english muffin rings (or similar).