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  1. Apr 17, 2013 · This document provides an introduction to web development with the Django framework. It outlines Django's project structure, how it handles data with models, and its built-in admin interface. It also covers views, templates, forms, and generic views.

  2. Nov 2, 2021 · Sanjay Rathore presents an introduction to the Django web framework. He discusses key features of Django including rapid development, security, and scalability. He outlines the MVT (Model View Template) architecture, describing the roles of each component.

  3. Jun 18, 2019 · Introduction to Django. This session is about Django, which is a web framework build in python. It has several features like admin interface and ORM. The architecture of Django has Model, View, and template and it's ORM saves the pain of writing database queries.

  4. What is Django? Django is a web application framework written in Python programming language. It is based on MVT (Model View Template) design pattern. The Django is very demanding due to its rapid development feature. It takes less time to build application after collecting client requirement. This framework uses a famous tag line: The web

    • Dynamic and database driven websites Content based websites Example
    • Controller
    • Allows you to separate business logic from the HTML

    Websites (Washingtonpost,eBay, craigslist) Google AppEngine

    The Django Framework URL parsing Syndication framework (RSS and Atom Feeds) Caching Internationalization Localization Custom Middleware your web pages to avoid code duplication DRY Principle

    Separation of concerns Everything is in python (schema/settings) Add pluggable modules Write your templates Define your views Create URL mapping Test Application Deploy Application (Linux, Apache, mod_Python, DB) Templates // Project specific URL mapping // Data Models // Contains the call back funct...

    • 145KB
    • 12
  5. Django.pptx - Google Slides. 1 A Case Study of Django Web Applications that are Secure by Default Mohammed ALDOUB @Voulnet 2 Web Security Essentials The essentials of web application security...

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  7. Nov 2, 2022 · Introduction to Django Framework. ContentWhat is Django FrameworkFeatures of DjangoWhy we use Django Framework • What can you do with Django • Famous Companies That Use the Django Framework

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