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  1. Ferdinand de Saussure (/ s oʊ ˈ sj ʊər /; French: [fɛʁdinɑ̃ də sosyʁ]; 26 November 1857 – 22 February 1913) was a Swiss linguist, semiotician and philosopher. His ideas laid a foundation for many significant developments in both linguistics and semiotics in the 20th century.

  2. Jun 4, 2024 · Ferdinand de Saussure was a Swiss linguist whose ideas on structure in language laid the foundation for much of the approach to and progress of the linguistic sciences in the 20th century. While still a student, Saussure established his reputation with a brilliant contribution to comparative.

  3. Mar 12, 2018 · Before 1960, few people in academic circles or outside had heard the name of Ferdinand de Saussure (1857–1913). But after 1968, European intellectual life was a-buzz with references to the father of both linguistics and structuralism.

  4. Ferdinand de Saussure, né à Genève le 26 novembre 1857 et mort à Vufflens-le-Château le 22 février 1913, est un linguiste suisse. Reconnu comme le précurseur du structuralisme en linguistique, il s'est aussi distingué par ses travaux sur les langues indo-européennes .

  5. Sep 17, 2008 · Course in general linguistics. by. Saussure, Ferdinand de, 1857-1913. Publication date. 1959. Topics. Language and languages, Comparative linguistics. Publisher. New York : Philosophical Library.

  6. Ferdinand de Saussure was a renowned Swiss linguist and semiotician. His ideas formed the basis of many significant theories in semiology and linguistics. He is known as one of the founding fathers of linguistics in the 20th century.

  7. Langue and parole is a theoretical linguistic dichotomy distinguished by Ferdinand de Saussure in his Course in General Linguistics. The French term langue ('[an individual] language') encompasses the abstract, systematic rules and conventions of a signifying system; it is independent of, and pre-exists, the individual user.

  8. Ferdinand de Saussure (26 November 1857 – 22 February 1913) is considered a founding father of modern day linguistics and semiotics. Semiotics is the study of how we attach meaning to the world around us and how we communicate that meaning to others.

  9. Semiotics came into being with the publishing of Ferdinand de Saussures Course on General Linguistics in 1916. It contained distinctions such as langue vs p...

  10. The idea was first proposed in the work of Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure, one of the two founders of semiotics.

  11. Ferdinand de Saussure ( tiếng Pháp: [fɛʁdinɑ̃ də sosyʁ]; 26 tháng 11 năm 1857 – 22 tháng 2 năm 1913) là một nhà ngôn ngữ học hiệu học người Thụy Sĩ sinh ra và lớn lên tại Genève. Những tư tưởng của ông đã đặt nền móng cho những thành tựu phát triển rực rỡ của ngôn ngữ học cũng như ký hiệu học thế kỷ 20.

  12. Ferdinand de Saussure ( Ženeva, 22. studenog 1857. – Vufflens-le-Château kraj Morgesa, 22. veljače 1913.) švicarski je jezikoslovac koji je svojim postavkama utemeljio modernu lingvistiku ( jezikoslovlje) i dao temelje europskom strukturalizmu, lingvističkom pravcu koji se razvio dvadesetih i tridesetih godina 20. stoljeća .

  13. Ferdinand de Saussure. (Ginebra, 1857 - id., 1913) Lingüista suizo. Estudió sánscrito en Leipzig, bajo el influjo de la escuela de neogramáticos, que pretendía renovar los métodos del estudio de la gramática comparada.

  14. Ferdinand de Saussure (franskt uttal /fɛʁdinɑ̃ də sosyʁ/), född 26 november 1857 i Genève, död 22 februari 1913 i Vufflens-le-Château, var en schweizisk lingvist som räknas som strukturalismens grundare. [1] Han var son till Henri de Saussure.

  15. Ferdinand de Saussure [ejtsd: szoszűr] ( Genf, 1857. november 26. – Vufflens-le-Château, Vaud kanton, 1913. február 22.) svájci nyelvész. Indogermán és általános nyelvészettel foglalkozott, a nyelvtudományban új korszak megteremtője. "A strukturalizmus atyjának őt tekintik.

  16. Ferdinand de Saussure (Genebra, 26 de novembro de 1857 – Morges, 22 de fevereiro de 1913) foi um linguista e filósofo suíço, cujas elaborações teóricas propiciaram o desenvolvimento da linguística enquanto ciência autônoma. Seu pensamento exerceu grande influência sobre o campo da teoria da literatura e dos estudos culturais. [1] [2]

  17. Ferdinand de Saussure [fɛʁdinɑ̃ də sosyʁ] (26. listopadu 1857, Ženeva – 22. února 1913, Vufflens-le-Château u Morges) byl švýcarský jazykovědec, profesor na univerzitě v Ženevě, jeden ze zakladatelů strukturalistické lingvistiky.

  18. Ferdinand de Saussure (1857–1913) adalah seorang ahli bahasa berkebangsaan Swiss. Ia merupakan pelopor kajian linguistik modern. [2] Pemikiran-pemikirannya mengenai linguistik disampaikannya dalam buku nya yang berjudul Course de Linguistique Generale . [3]

  19. 费迪南·德·索緒爾法語: Ferdinand de Saussure ,法语: [fɛʁdinɑ̃ də sosyʁ] ;1857年11月26日—1913年2月22日),生於日內瓦,瑞士 語言學家符號學家哲学家他認為語言是基於符號及意義的一門科學

  20. フェルディナンソシュールFerdinand de Saussure、1857年 11月26日 - 1913年 2月22日 )スイスの言語学者記号学者哲学者。「近代言語学の父といわれている

  21. May 15, 2018 · Ferdinand de Saussure es conocido como el fundador de la lingüística moderna y de la semiótica, así como uno de los precursores del estructuralismo y el postestructuralismo. Es así porque entre otras cosas propuso reorganizar el estudio sistemático del lenguaje.

  22. Ferdinand de Saussure (n. 26 noiembrie 1857, Geneva, Elveția, d. 22 februarie 1913 la castelul Vufflens, Morges, cantonul Vaud, Elveția) a fost un lingvist elvețian. Este considerat părintele lingvisticii moderne.

  23. 페르디낭 소쉬르(프랑스어: Ferdinand de Saussure, 1857년 11월 26일 ~ 1913년 2월 22일)는 스위스의 언어학자로 근대 구조주의 언어학의 시조로 불린다. 이후 그의 이론을 받아들인 사회학에서도 구조주의 사회학이 발생하게 되었다.

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