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  1. The Six of Cups reversed can indicate childhood abuse or stolen innocence. This Minor Arcana card reversed in a Tarot reading can also indicate overcoming such abuse so look to the supporting cards for clarification.

  2. Six of Cups Keywords. UPRIGHT: Revisiting the past, childhood memories, innocence, joy. REVERSED: Living in the past, forgiveness, lacking playfulness.

  3. A reversed 6 of Cups can indicate a sense of nostalgia or longing for the past, but with a hint of sadness or regret. You may be romanticizing a past relationship, remembering only the happy moments, and feeling a sense of loss that it has ended.

  4. Six of Cups Reversed Meaning. The Six of Cups Reversed represents a time of looking back on the way things used to be. These memories are often connected to your childhood. Alternatively, the card could be referring to someone who is currently a child.

  5. Apr 22, 2024 · What does the reversed Six of Cups mean in a love reading? Pulling the reversed Six of Cups in a love reading can suggest someone from your past has returned or that you’re still hung up on a past relationship.

  6. With the Six of Cups reversed, you can finally close accounts with the emotional undertow that has been part of your life. You can now revisit those wounded places calmly, without the fear that you will be drawn back in.

  7. Aug 21, 2023 · Six of Cups (Reversed): Yes or No. In a yes or no reading, the reversed Six of Cups typically leans towards a “no” answer, indicating that there might be unresolved issues, hesitations, or complications that could hinder a positive outcome or a straightforward “yes.”

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