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  1. Smithfield Virginia Ham - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Patrick's Holiday Bone-In Ham
    When it's finished, this one looks just like the holiday ham that Harriet Nelson (The Ozzie and Harriet Show for you youngsters) would have made! In other words, it looks like those beautifully-decorated '50s Thanksgiving hams. The integral ingredient is a 10-12 pound SMITHFIELD HAM, which is the only type I ever prepare nowadays, subsequent to much personal frustration and disappointment with boneless hams over the years. Smithfield hams, which come from Virginia, can be found in with all the other hams at most grocery outlets, or, you can order one online which is much more expensive. While bone-in Smithfield hams are generally not the most expensive ones at the grocery, to me, these hams produce the very best flavor, and the final presentation at the table is really just magnificent. If you want to bake this ham, not by time, but by using a temperature probe, go right ahead -- that will work just fine. Anyway, this is my brother's favorite dish and he nudges me to make it more often than just on holidays. I hope you have as much fun with this recipe as I do. pat, the old bone man.
    Baked Chicken with Pineapple and Brown Sugar
    Taste of Home
    This baked chicken with pineapple and brown sugar is such a step up from a plain chicken breast. My family thinks the glaze also tastes good over ham. —Mary Ealey, Smithfield, Virginia
    Smoked Turkey and Country Ham Salad Sandwich
    From Something Different Country Store and Deli, Urbanna, Virginia. A real Virginia country-cured ham such as Smithfields is best in this recipe.