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  1. The Stuttering Foundation. We provide free online resources, services and support to those who stutter and their families, as well as support for research into the causes of stuttering.

  2. Virtual Learning by The Stuttering Foundation is an online series of free, interactive workshops with a variety of offerings for speech-language pathologists, parents, and individuals who stutter. The series includes monthly offerings ranging from clinical training opportunities, to parent education, to a platform for people who stutter of all ...

  3. The longtime supporter of the Stuttering Foundation drew national attention to childhood stuttering in 2006 when he submitted an article about Tiger Woods from the SFA newsletter to the Congressional Record.

  4. If you have a hard time at school, they can tell the teachers how to make things easier for you. Some speech teachers even take special classes just to learn how to help stuttering! If your stuttering feels like a big problem, you can ask your parents or your teacher about going to speech.

  5. My Child Is Stuttering, parents and speech-language experts talk about how to promote easier talking as they interact with their children. The professionals offer simple tips on stuttering that parents can easily follow.

  6. The Stuttering Foundation (SFA) provides resources, services, and support to individuals who stutter, their families, and professionals who serve them. SFA offers comprehensive, up-to-date information on stuttering through its publications, workshops, and conferences.

  7. The Stuttering Foundation provides a toll-free helpline, free printed and online resources including books, pamphlets, videos, posters, referral services, support and information for people who stutter and their families, and research into the causes of stuttering.

  8. Stuttering: The Heartless Enemy of Communication. Wise Words from a Stuttering Salesman. Alan Rabinowitz: Stuttering and the Big Cats. A Stutterer's Story: An Autobiography. A Review of The King's Speech. Basic Goals for a Person Who Stutters.

  9. Friends aims to provide support, education and empowerment to children and teens who stutter, their families and clinicians. Our annual conventions and regional one day conferences provide the opportunities for life-changing experiences that can impact long lasting feelings about stuttering and offer new hope for a life with stuttering. Friends ...

  10. Stuttering support groups are a research-proven way to improve quality of life and develop a healthier relationship with stuttering.

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