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  1. Jul 10, 2024 · In The Outcome of Design, Jeffrey and his best friend Gesebel sit beside a lake discussing the meaning of life and what truth really means.

  2. The Outcome of Design. $ 11.98. In this one-act eplay, Jeffrey and Gesebel share their philosophies about life, existence and meaning. 1 Man, 1 Woman. Teen Drama.

  3. 18 Monologues from Published Plays April 17, 2023 August 17, 2023 MB Team 18 Contemporary Monologues from Published Plays offers actors, drama teachers and creators original story material to explore and express. 18

  4. Aug 23, 2020 · here's the link to the monologue this is a test monologue mostly for me

  5. In The Outcome of Design, Jeffrey and his best friend Gesebel sit beside a lake discussing the meaning of life and what truth really means.The monologue is b...

  6. In the outcome of design, Jeffery and his best friend Ash sit beside a lake discussing the meaning of life and what the truth really means... Actor - Andrew ...

  7. Oct 17, 2019 · Working in a creative field is often coupled with constant anxiety of “not knowing”. Designers learn through a rigorous process how to deal with the many frustrations comprising design as both ...

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