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  1. Alain Passard Recipes - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Baked chicory with orange butter sauce and red cabbage puree
    I think i had this piece of paper sticked to my fridge for about 6 or 7 months, before i actually decided to give it a try. I teared it out of my weekend edition newspaper, somewhere on a saturday or sunday afternoon, just because i loved the combination of colors, not realising it was actually a recipe, or no, better: a veggie recipe! The recipe itself comes from Alain Passard, and was slightly adjusted by the writer of the article. Anyway, it absolutely isn't a hard dish to make, but a very, very colorful one, for sure! I descide to eat it with some mashed potatoes, which goes with it wonderfully well.
    Sweet Onions with Curry and Parsley Coulis
    Food and Wine
    Cooking does not get much easier than this. At L'Arpège, Alain Passard serves these tender onions with a sprinkling of curry powder, making for an unusual and versatile side dish.Plus: More Vegetable Recipes and Tips
    Chicken with White Wine and Crème Fraîche
    Food and Wine
    Wine-bar owner Pierre Jancou (who shares cooking duties with Ewen Lemoigne) is fanatical about ingredients: He gets his chicken from the same poultryman as Michelin-three-star Alain Passard. The chicken is first poached, then seared so the skin is golden and crispy. Plus:  More Chicken Recipes