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  1. sources of Greek history, from Homer’s majestic Odyssey to Schliemann’s excavations and Troy and Mycenae, from Aeschylus’ Oresteia to the wealthy Greek colonies of Sicily.

  2. 12.3.1 The Minoan Civilization. In deciding the chronology of ancient Greece the Minoan Civilization can be considered as the first bronze age civilization of the region. The civilization emerged towards the end of third millennium BC and flourished till around 1400 BC.

  3. Ancient Greece. 1900–133 B.C. Key Events. As you read, look for the key events in the history of early Greece. Athens and Sparta emerged as the leading Greek city-states. The Greek military defeated the Persian army. Greek theatre, arts, and architecture flourished during the Classical Age.

  4. The Rise of Greek Civilization: Early Greek civilization arose both on and off the Greek mainland. Two ancient peoples, the Minoans and the Mycenaeans, made important contributions to Greek civilization. Minoan Civilization: From about 3000 to about 1100BC, Bronze Age people called the Minoans lived on the island, of Crete.

  5. 1. How did physical geography influence the lives of the early Greeks? 2. How did the civilization of the Minoans develop? 3. How did the Mycenaeans gain power in the Mediterranean? 4. How did early Greeks spread their culture? 5. How did Greek city-states create the idea of citizenship? Terms to Know. A S I A M I N O R. N.

  6. Ancient Greek culture spans over a thousand years, from the earliest civilizations to the cultures that became the Ancient Greeks. Learning Objectives Illustrate a timeline of ancient Greece from the Bronze Age to the Hellenistic period

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  8. Greek Civilization. The temple of Delphi was very important to ancient Greeks. Many people believed the priestess here could foretell the future. 400 B.C. 399 B.C. Socrates sentenced to death. 300 B.C. 200 B.C. 330 B.C. Alexander the Great conquers Persian Empire. 287 B.C. Mathematician and inventor Archimedes is born. 150 Unit Title.

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