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  1. A large part of the Bärenreiter Urtext editions are based on the musical text of the new Complete Editions. Most works by Bach, Berlioz, Handel, Haydn, Mozart and Schubert are available in Urtext performing editions, making this wealth of musicological knowledge accessible to musicians today.

  2. Covers in all colours of the rainbow, a clear layout, fine engraving, appealing paper, sturdy binding and the cutting edge of musicology – Urtext! Bärenreiter is known worldwide for their scholarly-critical editions that aim to present a musical text as close as possible to the composer’s intentions and that at the same time satisfy the ...

  3. The Bärenreiter Urtext repertoire spans all music periods from the Early Baroque right through to the music of today. It includes not only the classical ‘greats’ such as Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Mozart, and Schubert to name but a few, but also many other perhaps lesser well-known but equally deserving composers.

  4. Today, musicians across the globe hold the BÄRENREITER URTEXT seal in high regard, recognizing it as a symbol of editions meticulously crafted through a comprehensive assessment of all available sources, while also considering the performer's needs.

  5. The Barenreiter urtext edition of Handel's masterwork is impeccably clean and authentic to Handel's original manuscripts. Available in English and German editions, it is a popular choice with European

  6. The Urtext edition of Brahms’ violin sonatas (C. Brown) contains extensive explanations of historical performance practice. The edition of Beethoven’s Romance op. 50 (J. Del Mar), the autograph of which contains only scant information on articulation and dynamics, offers a different solution.

  7. Mar 11, 2022 · Based on their many Complete Editions, Bärenreiter published performing Urtext editions, with the identical musical text. Almost the entire oeuvre of Mozart, Bach, Schubert and Händel is found in the Bärenreiter Urtext catalogue.

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