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  1. › brazil › businessBusiness Culture in Brazil

    Jun 2, 2022 · Doing business in Brazil will be a cultural adventure and an unpredictable scenario for many international businesspeople. You will be well received, enjoy great hospitality, observe the confidence and pride of Brazilians, and feel the pulse of a young and dynamic nation.

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    • Meetings
    • Women and Business
    • Jeito
    • The Despachante
    • Gift Giving
    • Considerations
    Appointments for events such as meetings are required. Whilst they can be scheduled on short notice, it is best to book two to three weeks in advance.
    Arrive on time, but do not necessarily expect your Brazilian counterpart to be punctual. They generally take a more relaxed approach to timekeeping.
    Business cards are typically exchanged during the beginning of the meeting when introductions are taking place.
    Meetings may come across as erratic or unstructured. There may be constant interruption of the agenda as people offer ideas as they come to mind.

    There is still a certain degree of among Brazilian men. In turn, females may not be treated the same as men in a business setting. For example, women may be subjected to the occasional sexual innuendo and comment from male business associates. Brazilian women are familiar with such situations, and tend to react to them in a nonchalant, light-humour...

    Also known in Brazilian-Portuguese as ‘jeitinho brasileiro’, the term translates as ‘finding a way’ or ‘the way around’ an obstacle. It is used to describe the way in which one can get around a formal rule without “breaking” it. If a Brazilian cannot accomplish something by official means, it is common to find a ‘jeito’. The jeito will depend on fr...

    Also known as the ‘indispensable middle man’, a ‘despachante’ is someone who will find a way (jeito) through the bureaucratic maze. A despachante charges a fixed fee for their service, depending on how complex the task at hand is. They can handle numerous bureaucratic matters, especially any kind of documents that involve complex and often-ineffici...

    Gifts are generally not considered particularly important in establishing a business relationship. Thus, people often do not expect gifts in their first few meetings. However, there is etiquette for gift giving in a business setting that is worth noting. Very expensive or lavish gifts may be thought of as a bribe. Moreover, it is considered poor pr...

    Brazilians tend to pride themselves on dressing well. Dress attire is similar to the Australian expectation of dress in a business setting. It is advisable for men to wear conservative, dark-colour...
    In Brazil, nepotism is prohibited by law. Personal favouritism is generally frowned upon across society.
    Titles are considerably important as it helps establish the followed hierarchy. Thus, there is an expectation that titles will be used, such as 'Professor' or 'Doctor'. When using gendered titles s...
    Although a substantial number of Brazilians speak English, some may feel more comfortable in a business setting if an interpreter is present.
    • Business Culture in Brazil Is as Diverse as the Country. This is the foundation from which we will draw to give you more valuable insights into the culture of doing business in Brazil.
    • Brazilians Tend to Be… Later. Astute punctuality is not the first thing you think of when you think “Brazil”. Brazilians are more laid back than other cultures when it comes to showing up to meetings on time – or showing up at all.
    • Handshakes, Hugging, Backslaps, and Kisses Are Used When Greeting. These are very common greetings in Brazil with business associates. Make sure to greet everyone (every individual person) when you arrive to say hello and to individually say goodbye to everyone when you leave!
    • The Way You Present Yourself Will be Judged. How you put yourself together is extremely important Brazilian business culture. Women. Women should have their nails manicured and hair managed and look presentable in all business meetings.
  3. › brazil › cultureBusiness Culture in Brazil

    If you speak to business people who have worked in Brazil they will all tell you the same thing – that the key doing successful business in Brazil is to develop a deep understanding of Brazilian commercial culture.

  4. › brazil › brazilBrazil Business Culture

    Feb 17, 2023 · It is absolutely critical to understand Brazil business culture to be successful at working with Brazilian companies and employees.

  5. Apr 5, 2024 · Brazil's business environment presents unique difficulties and opportunities. This guide covers the essentials of Brazilian corporate culture, from personal relationships to communication, negotiation, and decision-making.

  6. Find out everything you need to know about doing business in Brazil, including key advice on logistics, tax and market entry. Written by international specialists for World Business Culture.

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