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  1. Dec 12, 2023 · Leslie Lee’s “ The Soul Box Project” reveals the U.S. gunfire epidemic by counting and honoring victims. The entire work of art, This Loss We Carry —representing the number of U.S. gunfire deaths and injuries in less than three years—was displayed in Washington, D.C., on October 16-17, 2021. [Alt-text: Boy looks at wall of Soul Boxes ...

  2. Jan 28, 2020 · This subject-object fluctuation reworks body art’s positing of intersubjectivity and much of feminist theory’s mission against objectification (Renzi, 2013), and is staged specifically through ...

    • Annie Dell’Aria
    • 2020
  3. Tragedy and imitation. Ancient discussions of tragedy introduced one of the most persistent of all theories of art, the imitation theory: art is an imitation of nature or of human life and action. Classical tragedy p. 21 began in Athens in the sixth century bce as part of a spring celebration of Dionysus, god of the grape harvest, dancing, and ...

  4. Abstract. Art Theory: A Very Short Introduction is an exploration of art, what it means, and why we value it. It examines topics in the field loosely called art theory: ritual theory, formalist theory, imitation theory, expression theory, cognitive theory, and postmodern theory. It considers some of the philosophers from Plato onward who have ...

  5. A theory of art is intended to contrast with a definition of art. Traditionally, definitions are composed of necessary and sufficient conditions and a single counterexample overthrows such a definition. Theorizing about art, on the other hand, is analogous to a theory of a natural phenomenon like gravity. In fact, the intent behind a theory of ...

  6. Much traditional aesthetic theory, focused on the question of how artworks are to be distinguished from objects in the attempt to offer a definition or at least a characterization of what art is. This is a mistake. Art is that part of experience that changes the content of our world, of ourselves, and of art itself.

  7. May 5, 2020 · In addition, researchers sometimes hold one of two alternate romantic views of theory building. The first is that of theory building as an art. Under this view, the theorist has sparks of inspiration, and the theory emerges during trancelike periods of inspired writing. Once the theory is in writing, this object of art should not be “touched ...

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