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  1. A: The purpose of purdah is so that a woman does not come before a na mahram in an attractive state whether in the home or out of the home. And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best. Answered by: Mufti Zakaria Makada. Checked & Approved: Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)

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  3. What is the proper method of observance of purdah? What must a woman wear in order to properly observe purdah? What must be covered? What can be uncovered? Answer (Fatwa: 1946/1810=D /1429) According to the Shariah, observing purdah for women is that they wear such clothes that cover their bodies and the body.

  4. Can women open their faces in front of any man? What is the actual order of Allah Ta’ala regarding purda (hijab) for women?

  5. Feb 2, 2022 · What is the ruling for a woman to wear niqab (purdah) when she is praying? Answer: Alhamdulillah, praise and gratitude to Allah SWT for His countless blessings for us all.

    • 2 – What Does Quran Say About Purdah?
    • 3 – Importance of Pardah in Islam
    • 4 – Pardah in Islam Quotes
    • 5 – Punishment For Not Wearing Hijab in Quran
    • 6 – Reasons to Wear Hijab in Quran
    • 7 – Concept of Pardah in Islam For Elderly Women
    • 8 – Is Niqab Mandatory in Islam?

    The following verse of the Holy Quran lays down the guidelines of Pardah for women. The verse guides the believing women to protect their chaste and lower their gaze from what Allah (SWT) has forbidden for them. Moreover, Allah (SWT) also commands Muslim women not to adorn themselves in a way that attracts someone else. The women of Medina before t...

    Allah reminds His followers of the Libas and Rish He has bestowed upon them. Libas are garments worn to conceal private areas, whereas Rish are external decorations worn for aesthetic reasons. The first kind is, therefore crucial, but the second type is complementary.

    Hazrat Fatima RA, one of theMost Influential Women in Islamic History,was known for her modesty and humility. In the following quote, she illustrates the importance of modesty for Muslim women.

    When Allah (SWT) has decreed something, then we have no option. The following verse explains that we as Muslims must obey our Creator if we want to be successful in this life and in the Hereafter. Nonetheless, Allah (SWT) is Merciful and Oft-Forgiving. May He (SWT) guide us all to stay on the path that is beneficial for us in this life and the life...

    According to the Quran, this attire is worn so that ladies would be recognized as Muslims and will not be mistreated. Hence, the Hijab not only protects Muslim women against harassment but, also intends to differentiate them as women of Iman.

    It is not sinful for these women to discard their (outer) garments in a way that hides their private parts since they no longer believe they can carry children and have no prospect of marriage, i.e., they no longer have any desire for marriage. However, refraining is better for them despite this relaxation.

    The niqab is a part of Arab and Afghan culture. It is not a part of the Islamic dress code as laid down in verse 24:31 of the Holy Quran. There are several ways to interpret the term “what must generally appear thereof.” This saying is often interpreted as meaning that women should cover just the body portions required for daily activities. Typical...

    • Sarwat Faruqui
  6. Jan 30, 2004 · Purdah of the face is evident from the Holy Quran. Only those thing which is visible by itself is allowed to be visible and the only things that are self evident are the height and the movement of the body during normal walk.

  7. May 24, 2024 · The practice among women in certain Muslim and Hindu societies of living in a separate room or behind a curtain, or of dressing in all-enveloping clothes, in order to stay out of the sight of men or strangers. The word comes (in the early 19th century) from Urdu and Persian parda ‘veil, curtain’.

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