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  1. Dive into the enchanting world of Smt. Jeevanprabha M. Desai as we take you on a journey through her remarkable filmography. From exhilarating action sequences to heartwarming romantic...

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    1) Prabhā (प्रभा):—One of the twelve guṇas associated with Randhra (the first seat of the Svādhiṣṭhāna-chakra). According to tantric sources such as the Śrīmatottara-tantra and the Gorakṣasaṃhitā (Kādiprakaraṇa), these twelve guṇas are represented as female deities. According to the Ṣaṭsāhasrasaṃhitā however, they are explained as particular syllables. They (e.g. Prabhā) only seem to play an minor role with regard to the interpretation of the Devīcakra (first of five chakras, as taught in the...

    Purana and Itihasa

    1) Prabhā (प्रभा).—A devī. This devī sits in the court of Brahmā worshipping him. (Chapter 11, Śānti Parva). 2) Prabhā (प्रभा).—A celestial maiden of Alakāpurī. Once when the sage Aṣṭāvakra went to Alakāpurī this maiden gave a dance performance in his honour. (Śloka 45, Chapter 19, Anu āsana Parva). 3) Prabhā (प्रभा).—Daughter of a dānava called Svarbhānu. She was married to king Āyus and Āyus begot of her sons like Nahuṣa and others (Brahmāṇḍa Purāṇa. 3—6—26). 4) Prabhā (प्रभा).—One of the t...


    1) Prabhā (प्रभा).—, name of a commentary on the Sabdakaustubha by Raghavendracarya Gajendragadkar; 2) Prabhā.—Name of a commentary on Kaiyata's Mahabhasyapradipa.

    Tibetan Buddhism

    Prabhā (प्रभा) is the name of Vidyārājñī (i.e., “wisdom queen”) mentioned as attending the teachings in the 6th century Mañjuśrīmūlakalpa: one of the largest Kriyā Tantras devoted to Mañjuśrī (the Bodhisattva of wisdom) representing an encyclopedia of knowledge primarily concerned with ritualistic elements in Buddhism. The teachings in this text originate from Mañjuśrī and were taught to and by Buddha Śākyamuni in the presence of a large audience (including Prabhā).


    Prabhā (प्रभा) refers to a “flash (of lightening)”, according to the Gaganagañjaparipṛcchā: the eighth chapter of the Mahāsaṃnipāta (a collection of Mahāyāna Buddhist Sūtras).—Accordingly, as Bodhisattva Gaganagañja explains to Bodhisattva Ratnaśrī what kind of concentration should be purified: “[...] (40) [when the Bodhisattvas attain] the concentration called ‘Flash of lightening’ (vidyut-prabhā), they will examine the destruction of a moment of thought; (41) [when the Bodhisattvas attain]...

    Prabhā (प्रभा) by Viśvanātha (alias Viśveśvara) is the name of a commentary on the Vṛttaratnākara of Kedārabhaṭṭa (C. 950-1050 C.E.), who was a celebrated author in Sanskrit prosody. The Vṛttaratnākara is considered as most popular work in Sanskrit prosody, because of its rich and number of commentaries. Prabhā.—(SII 2), an aureole or nimbus. Cf. p...

    Prabha in India is the name of a plant defined with Calamus rotang in various botanical sources. This page contains potential references in Ayurveda, modern medicine, and other folk traditions or local practices It has the synonym Palmijuncus monoecus(Roxb.) Kuntze (among others). Example references for further research on medicinal uses or toxicit...

    Marathi-English dictionary

    prabhā (प्रभा).—f (S) Light, esp. great or diffused light. 2 Shadow, esp. that cast by the style or gnomon of a dial. 3 (In popular misuse.) Account, regard, estimation, consideration. Neg. con. Ex tyācī kāya prabhā; mī kōṇhācī prabhā bāḷagīta nāhīṃ. See under kimmata. --- OR --- prabhā (प्रभा).—f S True knowledge. 2 Consciousness or perception. prabhā (प्रभा).—fLight. Shadow cast by the style or gnomon of a dial.

    Sanskrit dictionary

    Prabhā (प्रभा).—2 P. 1)To appear, seem. 2)To shine forth, gleam. 3) To begin to become light, begin to dawn; ननु प्रभाता रजनी (nanu prabhātā rajanī) Ś.4; प्रभातकल्पा शशिनेव शर्वरी (prabhātakalpā śaśineva śarvarī)R.3.2. 4)To illuminate, enlighten. --- OR --- Prabhā (प्रभा).— 1) Light, splendour, lustre, effulgence, radiance; प्रभास्मि शशिसूर्ययोः (prabhāsmi śaśisūryayoḥ) Bhagavadgītā (Bombay) 7.8; प्रभा पतङ्गस्य (prabhā pataṅgasya) R.2.15,31; 6.18; Ṛtusaṃhāra 1.2; Meghadūta 49; दृष्टस्त्वं प्र...

    Hindi dictionary

    Prabhā (प्रभा):—(nf) lustre, radiance, refulgence; ~[kara] the sun; ~[maṃḍala] a halo.

  2. Apr 24, 2023 · When texting, “smt” may mean “sucking my teeth.” If someone uses this slang acronym when messaging you, it most likely means they disapprove of something or someone. They’re dissatisfied, annoyed, and are gritting their teeth IRL. [1]

    • smt. jeevan prabha meaning1
    • smt. jeevan prabha meaning2
    • smt. jeevan prabha meaning3
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    • smt. jeevan prabha meaning5
  3. Roti ( transl. Chappati or Flatbread) is a 1974 Indian Hindi -language action film, produced by Rajni Desai and Rajesh Khanna under the banner Aashirwad Pictures Pvt. Ltd and directed by Manmohan Desai. It stars Rajesh Khanna and Mumtaz, with music composed by Laxmikant Pyarelal.

  4. HC: ‘A person cannot be held liable for a false promise to marry if the woman is already married to someone else,’ Read Judgment; HC Expounds ‘Pendency of an Eviction Suit between the parties is a Civil Dispute and cannot be a ground for Quashing a Criminal Complaint,’ Read Judgment

  5. Apr 19, 2024 · Similar to the Shaktism and Shaivism traditions, Vaishnavism also developed as an individual movement, famous for its exposition of the dashavatara (‘ten avatars of Vishnu’). Discover the meaning of prabhasa in the context of Vaishnavism from relevant books on Exotic India.

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  7. Jun 12, 2022 · Smt. Jeevan Prabha Sharma vs State Of U.P. Thru. Addl. Chief ... on 6 December, 2022. Bench: Rajnish Kumar. HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT ALLAHABAD, LUCKNOW BENCH ?Court No. - 5 Case :- WRIT - A No. - 8212 of 2022 Petitioner :- Smt. Jeevan Prabha Sharma Respondent :- State Of U.P. Thru. Addl. Chief Secy/Prin. Secy. Basic Edu. U.P. Civil Secrett.

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