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  1. The Naked Chef Recipes - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Sourdough Naan
    Naan, which means "bread" in old Persian, is a delicious fermented flatbread that is traditionally cooked in a tandoor oven. It is said to originate in Mesopotamia, was brought to India by the Persians and was considered a delicacy in the Imperial courts of the Mughal dynasty around 2500 years ago. It is now ubiquitous to North Indian food and one can find it everywhere from fancy restaurants to streetside dhabas (shacks). Sourdough also has its origins in Egypt and traditionally naan was made with wild yeast as there was no commercial yeast available. Sadly, most restaurants in the South Asian subcontinent and in the US make naan with commercial yeast or baking powder. Making naan with sourdough starter is not only the real deal but also results in a greater depth of flavor and a better tasting naan. Of course, combine that with a tandoor or wood burning pizza oven and you are in heaven; but to my great joy it is pretty good when made at home too! I developed this recipe for a pop-up restaurant that I was running in Gowanus, Brooklyn. They had a pizza oven, though sadly not a wood burning one. I developed the dough recipe and my cook, who is a tandoor chef, showed me how they make the dough balls in restaurants with a hollow inside. If we had any dough balls left over, we would cover them with plastic wrap and leave them in the refrigerator to use the next day. But you must bring them back to room temperature before rolling out. You can add a tablespoon of yogurt to the dough for a little extra tang, but it’s not imperative as you do get some tang from the sourdough starter. What I love about this naan is how it is slightly crisp yet pillowy and chewy and with amazing depth of flavor. It’s actually pretty simple to make. The only tricky part I found was sliding it into the oven. You can make it on a hot cast iron skillet on the stove and char the top on a naked flame, but my preference is to cook it in the oven.
    Jamie Oliver's Best Pasta Salad
    One of my favorite Naked Chef recipes. I make this often. I just love the trip of boiling up the garlic cloves with the pasta, and then just squeezing them out of their skins and adding them mashed to the dressing.
    Jamie Oliver's Mashed Root Vegetables
    From Jamie Oliver's cookbook The Return of the Naked Chef. I would like to personally thank Recipezaar member French Tart for posting this recipe for me by request in the Celebrity Chefs' forum. She has kindly given me permission and her blessing to post it on the site. Thank you and mercy buckets, French Tart!
    Basic Risotto (Pressure Cooker)
    This is a good basic pressure cooker risotto recipe. I was skeptical at the idea of quality risotto from a pressure cooker, but this produces the texture and consistency of normal risotto without the continuous stirring. I wouldn't make this with canned chicken broth - the flavor ends up overly salty and metallic. [This is partially adapted from both The Pressure Cooker Gourmet(Victoria Wise) and The Naked Chef (Jamie Oliver).]
    Jamie Oliver's World's Best Baked Onions
    I found this recipe on The Splendid Table website. What I am posting here is an adaptation of the adaptation I found there of a recipe for Baked Onions from 'Happy Days with the Naked Chef' by Jamie Oliver. Sounds well-worth trying. Baked onions are a great accompaniment to roasts. To significantly reduce the fat content, use a low-fat or reduced fat cream.
    Jamie Olivers Pasta Carbonara
    Posted in response to a query about the best way to prepare carbonara. I use Jamie Olivers recipe for Penne Carbonara, which is in "Happy Days With The Naked Chef". This is another of his recipes, using the same technique with slightly different ingredients. I have always found Jamies recipes to be simple and easy to prepare, I enjoy his cheerful approach to cooking! Hope that you enjoy it!
    Oysters on the Half Shell with Rosé Mignonette
    Food and Wine
    Great oysters are delicious "naked," as Island Creek founder Skip Bennett says, but sometimes chef Jeremy Sewall dresses them up with a mignonette (vinegar sauce) like this one, made with sparkling rosé. More Mollusk Recipes
    Homemade Pasta with a Lemony-Cream, Spinach, and Pea Sauce
    I'm absolutely addicted to pasta, so I don't need much of an excuse to make it on a weekly basis, but my mother's pasta maker -- passed down from her Italian family -- is what turns a weeknight tradition into a weekend dinner party. When kneading the dough, I always have a moment where I think it won't all come together, but, magically, it does every time, so this shouldn't be an intimidating recipe to any first-time pasta makers. The dough recipe is adapted from the one in Jamie Oliver's "The Naked Chef," because, let's be honest, we all have a bit of a crush on the Naked Chef.
    Basic Roast Chicken
    This is a simple, easy recipe for roasting a whole chicken. It pretty much guarantees crisp salty skin, and properly cooked white AND dark meat at the same time. [This is from The Naked Chef (Jamie Oliver).]