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      • In addition to being a savvy military tactician and strategist, Admiral Ackbar helped to design one of the more notable aircraft in Star Wars mythology. He was a member of the Shantipole Project, a think tank with the purpose of creating the most effective starfighters possible for use during the Galactic Civil War. › star-wars-admiral-ackbar-trap-facts-trivia-secrets
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  2. Voiced most times by Tom Kane. Images of the Admiral Ackbar voice actors from the Star Wars franchise.

    • Overview
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    "We are the spark that will ignite the fire that will restore the Republic. That spark—this Resistance—must survive. That is our mission. Now, to your stations, and may the Force be with us."

    ―Amilyn Holdo

    Amilyn Holdo was a human female politician, military commander, and freedom fighter who served in both the Alliance to Restore the Republic and the Resistance. Known for her unconventional strategy and eccentric style, she was an early participant in the rebellion against the Galactic Empire and a lifelong friend and ally to rebel leader Leia Organa of Alderaan. In the early days of the First Order-Resistance War, Holdo became the commanding officer of the Resistance fleet as it fled the overwhelming might of the First Order Navy. Her leadership in that role saved the Resistance and many of its heroes when she executed a historic suicide attack on the First Order fleet, later dubbed the Holdo maneuver.

    A native of the planet Gatalenta, Amilyn Holdo had an early career in public service as a delegate to the Imperial Apprentice Legislature program. During her term, Holdo was notably critical of oppressive Imperial policy and developed a close relationship with the like-minded Alderaanian Princess Leia Organa. Through Organa, she became involved in the operations of the insurgent Rebel Alliance in opposition to the Empire during the Galactic Civil War. Although she initially served as a civil minister, Holdo proved herself as a capable martial commander and was granted an officer's commission in the Alliance Fleet.

    Decades after the Alliance's victory over the Empire, Holdo was again recruited by Organa—this time to join her paramilitary Resistance movement against the rise of the neo-Imperial First Order. Holdo served then-General Organa during the Cold War as a vice admiral of the Resistance fleet, undertaking clandestine missions to prepare for open war. After the war erupted in 34 ABY, Resistance High Command was decimated, leaving Holdo as the highest ranking officer in charge of the remaining Resistance forces as they fled from the pursuing First Order armada and its mobile headquarters, the Supremacy.

    Unable to escape into hyperspace and low on fuel, the remaining Resistance personnel consolidated under Holdo's command aboard the flagship star cruiser Raddus. Holdo's singular focus on escape was controversial among some younger soldiers like Captain Poe Dameron, but the vice admiral successfully led the Resistance to the mineral world of Crait, where she intended to sneak the survivors to the surface aboard cloaked transports. Due to an information leak during an attempted mutiny, the First Order ascertained her plan and destroyed nearly all of the Resistance transports. In a stunning act of sacrifice, Holdo saved the Resistance from complete obliteration by jumping the Raddus directly into the First Order fleet, resulting in a lightspeed collision that destroyed the Resistance flagship, the Supremacy, and twenty Star Destroyers. Holdo's actions allowed the remnants of the Resistance to escape, ensuring the continuation of an organized opposition to the First Order's fascist regime.

    Rebellious youth

    "Then there's this girl from Gatalenta named Amilyn Holdo who is…let's say, a little odd." "I trust your judgement, Leia, but don't be too quick to write people off. Sometimes they can surprise you." ―Leia and Bail Organa Amilyn Holdo was human female born on the planet Gatalenta in the Core Worlds around the early days of the Galactic Empire's reign. As a child, she enjoyed spelunking and high-speed tobogganing, and she became a skilled practitioner of the Gatalentan calisthenics practice skyfaring. The young Holdo also studied astrology, public service, and philosophy. She found herself at odds with Gatalentan aesthetics and traditions of simplicity and tranquility, instead embracing eccentricities and seeking out danger. In 3 BBY, Holdo was set to represent Gatalenta in the Apprentice Legislature, a junior deliberative program in the Empire to train youth in politics on the Imperial capital world of Coruscant. In the lead-up to their first legislative session, Holdo and several other members of the Apprentice Legislature were invited by Queen Breha Organa of Alderaan to participate in a pathfinding class, wherein students would learn survival techniques through challenging expeditions in natural environments. Holdo's first pathfinding course was in Alderaan's Istabith range and led by Chief Pangie of the Chandrilan Pathfinding Corps. During their orientation at the pathfinders' chalet basecamp, Holdo met several of her fellow classmates and soon-to-be apprentice legislators, including Chassellon Stevis of Coruscant, Harp Allor of Chandrila, Sssamm Ashsssen of Fillithar, and Alderaan's delegates Kier Domadi and Princess Leia Organa. During the introductory pathfinding class, Chief Pangie left the students deep within the frozen Istabith range, charging them with returning to the chalet by nightfall using only their observational skills to guide them out of the wilderness, or risk being expelled from the class. As the class tried to make their way back to the chalet Holdo looked around for snow owls. When her fellow student Harp Allor broke her leg during the return hike, Holdo committed to helping Allor back to the chalet alongside students Ashsssen, Domadi, and Organa; Stevis meanwhile led the rest of the class onward, refusing to slow down for their injured classmate. Holdo's crew progressed slowly back down the range and were in danger of missing their nightfall deadline, but the young Gatalentan's unconventional thinking saved them from failure when she thought to convert her expandable emergency tent into an ad hoc toboggan that could carry all five members of her troop downhill. When Stevis and his group returned to the chalet Holdo was there drinking mocoa with the others.


    "Protecting the light was more important to her than looking like a hero." ―General Leia Organa, on Holdo Amilyn Holdo's sacrifice over Crait saved the Resistance and many of its future leaders. Aboard the Supremacy, Finn and Rose Tico were set for immediate execution when the Raddus slammed into the ship; the ensuing chaos allowed for the two to escape as the dreadnought's interior collapsed. The Supremacy's particular superstructure prevented the vessel from being destroyed entirely, but the First Order's headquarters ship was damaged beyond repair, forcing it to be abandoned in the Crait system. The surviving First Order leaders—including General Hux and the newly-minted Supreme Leader Kylo Ren—led their remaining forces down to Crait, where the Resistance gathered to regroup and call for allies from the hidden Rebel base Holdo and Organa led them to. During the ensuing Battle of Crait, Dameron rallied his compatriots by paraphrasing Holdo's speech to the fleet. He ultimately commanded Resistance forces with a preference for survival tactics over risky heroics, having learned from his experiences with the vice admiral. Although nearly wiped out, the Resistance was able to finally escape its First Order pursuers with the help of the Jedi Luke Skywalker and Rey. Holdo's memory was a prominent fixture among Resistance survivors as they moved on from the events of D'Qar and Crait. Vi Moradi, one of Organa's spies charged with scouting new footholds for the Resistance, was devastated to learn of Holdo's death. During Moradi's work on Batuu, she reflected on the vice admiral's sacrifice and General Organa's resilience, using the two women's example as inspiration to continue her own efforts. While Organa worked to reconnect with scattered allies and establish new bases, she lamented to Rey the death of her old friend, counting Holdo among other painful losses like Admiral Ackbar and Han Solo. The vacuum of leadership resulting from the loss of so many Resistance leaders forced Organa to reach out to retired former Rebels like Wedge Antilles and Norra Wexley, both of whom were shocked upon learning of Holdo's death from Resistance pilots Temmin Wexley and Karé Kun. As the war continued, Dameron remained conflicted about his behavior towards Holdo. He attempted to confess his mutiny to the pilots of Black Squadron, who were away from the Resistance fleet during the D'Qar evacuation and battle at Crait. He instead carried that burden privately until the pirate queen Maz Kanata forced him to admit that he was still wrestling with his actions aboard the Raddus. Sometime later, while Dameron and Organa worked to recruit New Republic and Rebel leaders into the Resistance, he was confronted by Sanrec Stronghammer, a veteran of the Battle of Jakku who had served alongside Holdo. Stronghammer heard of Dameron's mutiny and asserted that the pilot should be imprisoned or executed for his treason. Wracked with guilt and knowing he had to win Stronghammer's trust, Dameron finally admitted to his crimes and accepted responsibility for what occurred on the Raddus. The confession and support from his friends and allies won Stronghammer's trust. Ultimately, Dameron committed to making up for his actions by honoring Holdo's sacrifice. Dameron and Finn, both of whom were saved by Holdo, would remain primary leaders of the Resistance through the end of the war. Sometime in the year following the battle at Crait, cartographer Emil Graf recounted to his droid, CR-8R, the story of Vice Admiral Holdo's Ninka and Blue Squadron rescuing the Duros pilot Staaysha Dekkr earlier in the war. Holdo's memory became immortalized by 35 ABY, as her lightspeed suicide run on the Supremacy became known as the Holdo maneuver. When the Sith Eternal cult prepared to launch its fleet of planet-killing Star Destroyers, the Final Order, from Exegol to reinforce the First Order, Resistance historian Beaumont Kin suggested that Holdo maneuvers be deployed to take out the threat. Although his suggestion was shot down as impractical, the tactic was deployed against at least one Star Destroyer during a conflict over Endor. At Exegol, the Resistance Holdo helped build and save ultimately triumphed over the First Order and the Sith Eternal, finally freeing the galaxy from the specter of Imperial-style fascism.


    "Rarity is an illusion, because every person and object in the galaxy is in some way unique." ―Amilyn Holdo Amilyn Holdo was a slender human woman with fair skin who stood at 1.78 meters tall in adulthood. She had blue eyes and naturally blonde hair, but it was frequently dyed with Morogian snap plant sap and chromomites to reflect a variety of colors; although she used vibrant greens and multicolor palettes in her youth, she trended towards pink and purple shades in her hair later in her life. She was a capable pilot but unsafe driver during her time in the Imperial Youth Legislature, and maintained an active lifestyle through pathfinding and skyfaring. Many of her contemporaries in Imperial high society considered her quirky, eccentric, or even vacuous, but her peculiarities masked a sharp mind. As a teenager, Holdo would often speak in confusing metaphors and riddles and sometimes alternated between monotone and singsong delivery that Leia Organa called "Holdo speak." In her youth, Holdo was a thrill-seeker and was eager to embrace near-death experiences; as an adult, she knew a deep love for life and found great comfort in her relationships and causes. Holdo was physically attracted to a broad spectrum of species and genders, once telling Leia Organa that attraction to humanoid males alone felt limiting. She was unimpressed by wealth but enjoyed high society social events available to her as a member of the Apprentice Legislature. As a civilian minister within the Rebel Alliance, she had a reputation for being "decorative" rather than work-oriented—a reputation eventually overcome by her later martial successes.

    Gatalentan roots

    "I thought they valued simplicity on Gatalenta. Dressed plainly, except for those scarlet cloaks." "I thought so too. Apparently Holdo goes her own way." ―Leia Organa and Kier Domadi discuss Holdo's distinctive aesthetic The traditions and culture of Holdo's homeworld of Gatalenta had a deep impact on her beliefs and behaviors throughout her life. In her youth, Holdo made special efforts to deviate from the norms of her culture, which valued serenity, simplicity, and quiet introspection. In contrast, Holdo was assertive and embraced dangerous adventure, flamboyant style, and impulsive decision-making. Despite her intentional rebellion from Gatalentan tradition, she appreciated her homeworld's culture and how its ruling Council of Mothers maintained a peaceful and just society within the oppressive and violent Imperial ecosystem. Slavery, which was illegal on Gatalenta, was abhorrent to Holdo, and the young Gatalentan maintained several practices that reflected the spiritual aspects of the culture of her people, including skyfaring calisthenics, incense-burning, and attendance at meditative retreats. Later in life, Holdo more fully embraced the culture of her people, adopting a serene nature and a subdued but elegant wardrobe; however, she still retained a nonconformist streak in her appearance, such as dyeing her hair exotic colors and habitually going barefoot. Her adherence to Gatalentan culture defied military norms even after she became a member of Resistance high command, where she eschewed typical martial uniforms for floor-length lavender gowns that excluded typical markers like rank badges and officer jackets. She also incorporated several Gatalentan accessories, including bracelets that traced local constellation patterns, somatohue earrings, rings, and an osmium tiara shaped into arcs representing the planet's multiple suns. Rather than standard Resistance armament, she carried a DDC Defender-5 sporting blaster, which was favored by Gatalentan nobility. In the final moments before her historic suicide run, Holdo found comfort in her Gatalentan faith, which taught that salvation was not found alone, but alongside all those who had offered love and compassion to her in life.

    Unconventional commander

    Holdo was a determined and patriotic person, able to react to changing circumstances and ready to sacrifice herself for the cause. As a commander she had a cool head for the greater strategy, and expected her orders to be executed precisely, as shown during her time in command of the Raddus. According to Dameron, Holdo was recognized within the Resistance as a great strategic mind due to her actions at the Battle of Chyron Belt and was admired even by Admiral Ackbar. Despite having an antagonistic relationship with Dameron, Holdo respected him, telling Organa that Dameron was a troublemaker after his mutiny but that she liked him.

    "She's somebody who's a bit off-kilter, who sees the world through a prism most others don't understand. At first Leia thinks she's pleasant but weird, but as time goes on, it becomes apparent that there's much more to Holdo than you might guess when you first met her. We don't really have a lot of true oddballs in Star Wars, so it was fun to introduce one!"

    ―Claudia Gray, on Amilyn Holdo

    •Vice-Admiral Holdo on Wikipedia

    •11 Revelations from Claudia Gray on Leia, Princess of Alderaan on (backup link)

    •Amilyn Holdo at the Internet Movie Database

    In other languages



  3. Admiral Ackbar. A veteran commander, Ackbar led the defense of his homeworld, Mon Cala, during the Clone Wars and then masterminded the rebel attack on the second Death Star at the Battle of Endor.

  4. Dec 18, 2019 · Listen to sound clips and see images of all the different voice over actors who have been the voice of Admiral Ackbar in Star Wars.

  5. The voice actor behind Admiral Ackbar says he was unhappy with Star Wars: The Last Jedi and Laura Dern's character Vice Admiral Holdo. Famous for the line, "It's a trap!", Ackbar first appeared in Star Wars: Episode VI- Return of the Jedi in 1983 and was voiced by Erik Bauersfeld.

  6. Most people will remember Gial Ackbar as the fish man who said 'It's a Trap!' in RotJ and the person who should've been in Vice Admiral Holdo's place in TLJ, however never does anyone seem to appreciate what a legend this man (or fish) was.

  7. Sep 30, 2017 · If you've seen Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi, you know what a valuable ally Admiral Ackbar is. A member of the Mon Calamari species, the distinct-looking, immensely experienced commander is the brains behind the attack on the second Death Star.

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