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    • Kathryn Copeland
    • Africa: Ijapa. In African folklore, the turtle is actually a trickster because while they might be slow, they are also clever. The turtle’s name is Ijapa, and he can figure out a way out of complicated situations.
    • China: Pangu & the Turtle and Xuanwu. Turtles in China are quite important. A turtle helped Pangu (a creation and primordial figure) hold up the world, as the creator goddess Nuwa used the turtle’s legs.
    • Egypt: Shetyw. The turtle Shetyw (also known as Shetw, Sheta, and Shtyw) was associated with Set (god of war). Unfortunately, since Set was considered a dark god, the turtle was also considered a malevolent creature with a connection to the Underworld.
    • Greece and Rome: The Tortoise and the Hare. Aesop was a Greek storyteller who wrote the famous story, “The Tortoise and the Hare.” In it, the tortoise races the speedy hare.
    • Turtles Are Strictly Carnivores
    • Turtles Are Cheap Pets
    • Turtles Do Not Live Very Long
    • Veterinary Care Is Unnecessary
    • Turtles Make Great Pets For Small Children
    • Turtles Hiss Like Snakes
    • Turtles Grow to The Size of Their Tank
    • Turtles Do Not Need A Basking Spot, only Sunlight
    • All Turtles Are Fully Aquatic
    • Turtles Do Not Need UVB

    This is by far the most common misconception amongst turtle owners. Although turtles do eat high amounts of protein, it is not the only thing we should be feeding them. In the wild, turtles will eat a mixture of different foods. Some will stick to a more carnivore-orientated diet, yet they still consume some sort of plant material. Many turtles eat...

    This leads to pet turtles falling into the wrong hands. Many people get a turtle without knowing what they need. Turtles are not cheap pets they are anything but. The turtle themselves may be cheap at your local pet store, but the supplies, tank, monthly diet, and supplements can cost more than many other aquatic pets. You should only attempt to pu...

    This is widely believed, but it is false. The average freshwater turtle has a maximum lifespan of 25 to 50 years. This is true for nearly every captive species of freshwater turtle, from sliders to painted turtles, and even musk turtles. Many owners get a turtle believing that they will only live for a few years. This is partly true due to poor car...

    Out of all the aquatic pets in the hobby, turtles are the most likely to require some form of veterinary care. Turtles are at risk of getting deadly parasites, infections, medical emergencies, and some even require surgery. Turtles are delicate creatures who are prone to many types of health issues that cannot be treated at home. You should also pu...

    You may be walking with your child through a pet store, to have them gleefully point at the turtle residing in the tank. This leads to parents thinking a turtle will be a cute pet for their young children. Not many parents think of the commitment and maturity needed to care for such an exotic pet. If you want to get your child a pet turtle, it is y...

    Turtles are seemingly silent pets and communicate in ways that are inaudible to humans. Most turtle owners will claim that their turtle hisses at them out of stress or fear when they are being handled or startled. Although the sound does mimic the noise of a snake, it is far from what the noise means. You see, since turtles spend most of their time...

    False! This myth is also believed to be true with goldfish and other aquatic creatures. Turtles do not grow to the size of their environment. This myth started making its rounds when people claim to have stunted their turtle’s growth by keeping them in a small tank. The explanation for this is that turtles who are kept in poor conditions, with no p...

    If the tank is near a window, you may notice that a few rays of sunlight hit the tank at a certain time. Most turtle owners will think that this provides enough heat and Vitamin D for their turtle to remain healthy. It is also common to hear owners claim that placing their turtle in the sun outside for a few minutes provides them with all they need...

    Turtles should never be thrown into a tank filled with water. Most turtles are semi-aquatic and require a large platform in the tank to bask on and escape the water. It is also possible that a turtle can drown from constantly having to be submerged in water. It is important to research the proper environment your turtle requires in captivity. Some ...

    UVB is very important for the synthesis of Vitamin D. This is essential for proper shell growth and development. The UVB should be near the basking spot so that your turtle can absorb both the heat and UVB which is part of keeping your turtle healthy. Turtles cannot get all the Vitamin D they require from supplements, as in nature their primary sou...

  1. Jul 8, 2023 · Turtles hold great significance in mythology and folklore across the world. In many cultures, they are associated with creation, longevity, wisdom, and protection. Turtles are often seen as symbols of stability and steadfastness due to their ability to carry their homes on their backs.

  2. Feb 20, 2019 · As with its other aquatic neighbors, turtles are sometimes associated with evil and mystery, however they are more frequently used as symbols of protection and good health. Some early Egyptian civilizations along the Nile used shells as shields and believed that tortoises had magical protective properties.

  3. Dec 7, 2023 · Despite your opinion on the reality of mythological and legendary beasts and creatures, we've created a helpful list of 100 of the greatest and most iconic of these beings for you to enjoy. This article showcases an epic collection of mythical creatures that fascinate and evoke the curiosity of the unknown.

    • what are some myths about turtles list of animals1
    • what are some myths about turtles list of animals2
    • what are some myths about turtles list of animals3
    • what are some myths about turtles list of animals4
    • what are some myths about turtles list of animals5
  4. May 14, 2023 · Turtles in Mythology. Turtles are revered in many cultures as symbols of longevity, wisdom, and stability. In Chinese mythology, the turtle is one of four celestial animals that represent the four cardinal points, and in Hindu mythology, the turtle is an avatar of the god Vishnu.

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  6. Jan 4, 2024 · 1. The Legend Of Yi Sun-Shin. 2. History Of Submarines. 3. Warrior Turtle: The Myth Of Ninurta. 4. Shells Or Shields? Turtles In Hindu Mythology.

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