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  1. The Eastern Catholic Churches of the Catholic Church utilize liturgies originating in Eastern Christianity, distinguishing them from the majority of Catholic liturgies which are celebrated according to the Latin liturgical rites of the Latin Church.

  2. Jun 18, 2024 · Today, the various Eastern Rites are organized under the four eastern patriarchates. The Alexandrian Rite is officially called the Liturgy of St. Mark. (St. Mark is traditionally considered the first bishop of Alexandria.)

  3. Liturgically, the Eastern Catholic Churches are known for their ancient rites, most prominently the Byzantine, Alexandrian, Antiochene, Armenian, Chaldean, and Maronite. Each rite, while adhering to the core tenets of Catholic doctrine, offers a unique liturgical experience.

  4. Sep 9, 2023 · Inviting others into their rich liturgical traditions, fostering belonging in small communities and reaching out to the secular world via podcasts and “coffee shop ministry,” many Eastern Catholic parishes have unique ways of bringing people to full life in Jesus Christ as his disciples.

  5. The Eastern Catholic Churches or Oriental Catholic Churches, also called the Eastern-Rite Catholic Churches, Eastern Rite Catholicism, or simply the Eastern Churches, are 23 Eastern Christian autonomous particular churches of the Catholic Church, in full communion with the Pope in Rome.

  6. Feb 28, 2024 · For example, while both traditions use architecture as part of worship, there are interesting differences in how the churches themselves are used to preach the Gospel. “In the West, cathedrals lift man’s hearts to God. In the East, it’s descending the Heavenly worship down among men.”.

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  8. History, language, misunderstandings, nationalism, and basic human weakness have resulted in the current communion of 24 Churches. With a few exceptions, the Eastern Catholic Churches result from incomplete reunions with the Orthodox Churches.