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  1. Mar 3, 2020 · The Church of England’s great defender, Bishop John Jewel, wrote, “All that is written in the Word of God is not written for angels and archangels or heavenly spirits, but for the sons of men and for us …. It is the Word of God: God opens His mouth and speaks to us, to guide us into all truth”. [7]

    • Sermons

      The Collection of Anglican Connection Sermons and Annual...

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      Bible-centered. Affirming the unique authority of the...

    • About John Mason

      John is the Chairman of the Anglican Connection, and an...

    • Articles

      How should Anglicans therefore read the Bible? Bishop Harvey...

    • Anglican Reading List

      ‘Reading the Bible Today’, Paul W. Barnett, series editor –...

    • Michael P. Jensen
    • Since the arrival of Christianity in Britain in the 3rd century, British Christianity has had a distinct flavor and independence of spirit, and was frequently in tension with Roman Catholicism.
    • The break with Rome in the 16th century had political causes, but also saw the emergence of an evangelical theology. The Church of England was not just a church of protest against the pope’s authority and his interference in English affairs.
    • Anglicanism is Reformed. The theology of the founding documents of the Anglican church—the Book of Homilies, the Book of Common Prayer, and the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion—expresses a theology in keeping with the Reformed theology of the Swiss and South German Reformation.
    • Scripture is the supreme authority in Anglicanism. Article VI, “Of the sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures for Salvation,” puts it this way
  2. Therefore, being an Anglican means much more than belonging to a local parish church: it means joining a vast company of Christians across the whole world. Anglicans trace their history back to the early Church and to the Bible itself.

    • What Shapes Anglican Worship?
    • Anglo-Catholic Movement
    • Content
    • Language
    • Scripture
    • Preaching
    • Sacraments
    • Prayer

    That’s not really very Anglican. I can’t tell you how often I’ve heard someone talk in this way about a particular church service. What do they mean by not very Anglican? Usually, they mean that it isn’t liturgically formal. Perhaps there are no clerical vestments on display, or the service does not have a particular form to it. Perhaps there are n...

    But the idea that a particular form or flavorof worship is distinctly Anglican was amplified in the 19th Century by the emergence of the Anglo-Catholic movement. The Anglo-Catholics re-introduced to Anglican worship more distinctively Catholic elements—more elaborate and distinctly Catholic vestments for priests and bishops, more elaborate church f...

    But Anglican worship is distinct not because of its form, but because of its content. The genius of the Book of Common Prayeris not in dictating a particular style of worship but in the way it does two things: first, it makes Scripture the centerpiece of the Christian gathering, and secondly, it enfolds the worshiping community in the theology of g...

    First: Anglican worship is in intelligible language. Cranmer translated the Latin of the Mass into English. People heard the words of Christian worship for the first time in their own language. This was a direct outworking of the theology of justification by faith alone. If faith comes by hearing the gospel, how can people believe when they cannot ...

    Secondly, Scripture is at the center of Anglican worship. The Bible in the vernacular is to be read clearly and audibly, Old and New Testaments. The Psalms are to be said or sung. Many of the prayers are derived from Scripture. The minister is to preach on a Scriptural text. Anglican worship is unimaginable without the translation of the Bible into...

    Thirdly, Anglicans preach the Scriptures. Preaching in Anglicanism has been sadly downgraded since the 19th century. Less and less time has been given to the sermon in many places because of the time given for elaborate rituals and ceremonies—and, I would say, because of the preponderance of a liberal theology with little of value to say. It is tru...

    Fourthly, Anglican worship is sacramental. Anglicans celebrate the Lord’s Supper and Baptism as gospel signs. The sacraments operate as ‘effectual signs’, to quote the language of the Thirty-Nine Articles. In them, the Holy Spirit administers the grace of God to us in Christ by faith, to build us up and nurture us in Christ. The Reformers were very...

    Lastly, Anglican worship is prayerful. The Book of Common Prayeris one of the finest lessons in how to pray in all Christendom. Anglicans are taught to approach the throne of grace with confidence as they confess their sins. Weekly, they are reminded not just of their flaws but of their absolute need for grace. Weekly, they are reminded of the merc...

  3. What can be found within Anglican Bible Study? This article focuses on the major books, thinkers, and principles.

  4. True Anglicans still view the Bible as their primary authority. They place high value on clear preaching, a regular daily pattern of prayer, and the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion. The ancient Creeds of the undivided church express the essence of Anglican theology.

  5. Anglicans trace their heritage back to the English Reformation and, before that, to the ancient Church during the time of the Apostles. We're the third largest group of Christians in the world, and Grace Church is part of this body of believers - locally through the Anglican Diocese of Pittsburgh and nationally through the Anglican Church in North America, and internationally through the ...

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