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  1. Being born again, God has given you the power to become His child (John 1:12). The nature of God has been imparted to your hu-man spirit. You now have anew life; the life of God that Jesus Christ makes available to everyone who believes in Him. What a privi-lege! You are therefore partaker of God’s na-ture (2 Peter 1:3-4). God is now your ...

  2. Jan 23, 2017 · The new, spiritual birth means that one who has been “born again” is a spirit being, no longer composed of human flesh. Since one who has been “born of the flesh is flesh,” it follows, as Jesus said, that one who has been “born of the Spirit is spirit” (John 3:6).

  3. What Does it Mean to be “Born Again”? John 3:3: (NASB) Jesus answered and said to him, truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God. ...unless one is born again. This phrase carries great meaning no matter what Christian denomination you come from.

  4. Jun 8, 2013 · Gustav Bossert: Eberhard im Bart. Gundert, Stuttgart 1884 (= Württembergische Neujahrsblätter 1) ... PDF download. download 1 file ...

  5. EBERHARD IM BART (Eberhard with the Beard), the first duke of Würtemberg, born Dec. 11, 1445, died Feb. 14, 1496. His father, Count Louis the Elder, dying while he was young, his education was neglected. Before he was 14 he wrested the government from his uncle Ulric, who had been appointed regent.

  6. EBERHARD, surnamed Im Bart ( Barbatus ), count and afterwards duke of Württemberg (1445–1496), was the second son of Louis I., count of Württemberg-Urach (d. 1450), and succeeded his elder brother Louis II. in 1457.

  7. In John 3:2 12, Jesus taught that to be “born again” literally means to be born of the Spirit—to become a spirit being. As we will see, other passages show that this “new birth” to sprit life will take place at the first resurrection when Christ returns.

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