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  1. Oct 20, 2008 · Book digitized by Google from the library of Harvard University and uploaded to the Internet Archive by user tpb.

  2. May 11, 2006 · A collection of lectures given at the University of Berlin, 1899-1900 xviii, 301 p. ; 22 cm. --

  3. WHAT IS CHRISTIANITY? The Christian’s Standing, Object, and Hope We believe that the third chapter of Philippians gives us the model of a true Christian. We have, first, the Christian’s standing; secondly, the Christian’s object; and thirdly, the Christian’s hope. We are not only told what the Christian’s standing is, but also what it ...

    • Editor’s Preface
    • Acknowledgements
    • Why People Feel Unwelcome
    • Personal and Social Challenges
    • Final Comments
    • Words of Jesus
    • Final Comments
    • No Condemnation
    • No Condemnation?
    • Guilt and Shame
    • Parent and Child Analogy
    • Final Comments
    • Yes, God Exists
    • God Exists
    • Historic Arguments
    • What about Scripture?
    • Development of Religious Authority
    • Nature of Faith
    • Final Comments
    • Language about God
    • Traditional Attributes of God
    • Non-traditional Attributes of God
    • Stories of God
    • Final Comments
    • Trinity
    • Development of the Trinity
    • Relational, Loving Nature of God
    • Final Comments
    • What Apologetics Accomplish
    • What Do Apologetics Accomplish?
    • A Brief History of Apologetics
    • Context, Deconstruction, Reconstruction, and Praxis
    • Final Thoughts
    • Created and Evolved
    • Creatio ex Nihilo
    • Religion and Science
    • Christianity and Evolution
    • Final Comments
    • People and the Image of God
    • Imago Dei
    • Individual and Social
    • Male and Female
    • Final Comments
    • The Problem of Evil
    • Formulating the Issues
    • Theodicies
    • O Felix Culpa
    • Cruciality of Jesus
    • Final Comments
    • Sin, Ignorance, Misery, and Bondage
    • What Is Sin?
    • Ignorance, Misery, and Bondage
    • Sin Obsessions?
    • Final Comments
    • Why Did God Become Human?
    • Meaning of Kenosis
    • Final Comments
    • At-One-Ment with God
    • Views of the Atonement
    • Contemporary Views
    • Global Perspectives
    • Importance of Relationality
    • God’s Advocate
    • The Advocate
    • Fruit of the Spirit
    • Gifts of the Spirit
    • Final Comments
    • Scripture, Tradition, Reason, and Experience
    • Inspiration of Scripture
    • Religious Authority
    • Scripture, Tradition, Reason, and Experience
    • Final Comments
    • Augustinianism and Semi-Augustinianism
    • Confused?
    • Open Theism
    • Final Comments
    • Orders of Salvation
    • Orders of Salvation
    • Protestant Orders of Salvation
    • Salvation: A Single, Complex Event
    • Final Comments
    • Justice and Justification
    • Jesus’ Ministry Self-Defined
    • Compassion and Advocacy
    • Final Comments
    • Varieties of Christian Spirituality
    • How Do We Grow Spiritually?
    • Examples of Spiritual Formation
    • How Does One Decide?
    • Christian Perfection
    • Final Comments
    • No Holiness but Social Holiness
    • Marks of the Church
    • Sacraments: Specific Means of Grace
    • Final Comments
    • Priesthood of Believers
    • Developments in Church Ministry
    • All Are Ministers
    • Variety of Christian Ministries
    • Ordination of Church Leaders
    • Character of a Priest, Minister, Pastor
    • Ordination of Women
    • Final Comments
    • The Problem of Hypocrisy
    • What Is Hypocrisy?
    • Hypocrisy and Churches
    • Thoughts and Prayers = Be Warmed and Filled?
    • Final Thoughts
    • Apocalyptic Literature
    • Book of Revelation
    • Millennialism
    • Ideas Have Consequences
    • Final Comments
    • What About Those Who Do Not Believe?
    • Complex Biblical Culture
    • Death of Innocents
    • Final Comments
    • Heaven and Hell
    • Justice of Heaven and Hell
    • Degrees of Reward and Punishment?
    • Intermediate State?
    • Final Comments
    • Belief, Hope, and Love

    The lives of theologians, Biblical scholars and similar religious studies scholars are odd. Most such scholars enter into the profession because they believe that truth matters and that there is great value in doggedly pursuing truth and in sharing the results of that pursuit with communities of faith. However, most of these scholars practice their...

    I want to thank my three daughters—Liesl, Heidi, and Dana—for their ongoing love and support of me in my writing. I’m also thankful to my sons-in-law: Lucas Porter, who is married to Liesl, and Will Oxford, who is married to Heidi. In addition, I want to thank Heidi for reading, editing, and contributing to my final manuscript. Her input was invalu...

    Why is it that Christianity so often is known for being unwelcoming, judgmental, and discriminatory? A common anecdote is that people like Jesus, but not his “fan club.” Who is that so-called fan club? It refers to the Christians, churches, denominations, and other self-proclaimed followers of Jesus. Most people are aware of the longstanding histor...

    Christians want to maintain the moral purity of their lives and their churches, and Scripture supports this goal. The problem has to do with inconsistent, unfair, or discriminatory practices. Why is this so? There is a number of possible causes for these injustices, of course, personal and social. Typically, Christians have focused on personal caus...

    “What then should we do?” These are words that new converts asked John the Baptist, another follower of Jesus (Luke 3:10). To them, John gave very concrete advice: share; do not cheat; do not extort money; and be satisfied with your wages. Similar advice could be given at the end of this chapter on the topic of how Christians, like Jesus, should we...

    Regarding editions of the Bible that contain red letters for Jesus’ purported words, in what sense do we know the literal words of Jesus? We know that the original New Testament was written in the Koine Greek language, but Jesus probably spoke Aramaic—the common language of the ancient Semitic world. Scholars infer this language usage because of oc...

    The blessed hope that people have is the promise of eternal life—of salvation—through belief in Jesus Christ, of sharing in Jesus’ life and in his resurrection. This salvation comes through no work, merit, or worthiness on our part. On the contrary, most people are acutely aware of their shortcomings, of their mistreatment of others, of their mistr...

    When I began high school, I attended a Sunday school class at church for teenagers. A layperson named Mike volunteered to teach the class, even though his kids were in elementary school. On the first day of class, Mike said that we could ask any question. It did not matter what we asked! “Really?” I thought doubtfully. Mike said that we could ask a...

    The verse following John 3:16 says: Indeed, God did not send the Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him” (v. 17). Jesus’ mission was not to bring condemnation upon people. His mission was to bring salvation to them, to reconcile people with God, to alleviate their guilt, to begin the healin...

    Jesus talked about the guilt of sin, that is, culpability for sinful thoughts, words, and actions. If people are guilty of sin, then they need to repent. God graciously forgives people’s sins, and indeed Jesus came to atone for their sins through his death and resurrection. Scripture speaks plainly: The state of sin is a terrible condition, in whic...

    A common analogy that Jesus and others in Scripture used to talk about God’s relationship with people is that of a parent and child—of a father and child, or of a mother and child. Jesus often talked about his heavenly Father, his Abba, which was an Aramaic term of filial intimacy. Using this analogy, we can better understand John’s declaration tha...

    As an attendee of Sunday school as a teenager, I greatly appreciated and benefited from an environment in which I did not feel judged or condemned because I had a question. It did not matter if my question was silly or due to ignorance. My teacher would consider my question, and try to respond to it empathetically as well as biblically and with com...

    When I was in college, I had a friend who wanted to debate with me about the existence of God. I wasn’t sure about what to say. So, I asked if I could invite a guy I knew, named Dan, who worked with a campus ministry, to join the conversation. My friend agreed. Dan came and disputed with my friend for over an hour about arguments for God’s existenc...

    Yes, I believe that God exists. I further believe that knowledge of God, that is, at least saving knowledge of God, does not occur because of human argumentation, but by God’s gracious workings in the lives of people. Thus, I am interested in arguments for God’s existence, but not for the sake of persuading someone to convert to Christianity. Knowl...

    There are several types of historic arguments for God’s existence, and they have been considered foundational for Christian apologetics. Apologetics have to do with the defense of Christian beliefs, values, and practices, commonly by appealing to philosophy and the sciences for defending Christianity. Let us look at some of the historic arguments f...

    For some Christians, “Scripture says it. I believe it. That settles it.” If Scripture talks about God’s existence, then upon what other religious authority need one rely? However, the topic of religious authority is more complex, regardless of whether one knows about it or not. In the words of Scripture, the source of religious authority ultimately...

    Reformation also occurred in Britain with the establishment of the Church of England, or Anglican Church. Contrary to Luther and the Continental Reformation, Anglicans wanted to steer a via media (Lat., “middle way”) between the traditions of Catholicism and the Protestant emphasis on Scripture alone. It seemed simplistic to appeal only to church a...

    In Scripture, belief in God’s existence is something thought to be aided by divine grace, as well as by human intellect. Christians ought not to be embarrassed by appealing to faith, or to mystery and paradox, with regard to their religious understanding. No other worldviews, including science (or scientism), have explained everything. They may app...

    I have often thought about my college friend who was willing to dialogue with me along with my campus ministry colleague about the existence of God. I do not know if my friend ever came to believe in God, but his willingness to dialogue gives me hope for him. In my opinion, it is good to talk about God’s existence and arguments used to talk about G...

    In talking about God, Christians have long realized that human language is inadequate for communicating the fullness of who God is. Since God is thought to transcend the world, including human understanding of the world, then ultimately speaking, the fullness of who God is will remain somewhat of a mystery. This does not mean that people’s talk abo...

    Christians talk about the attributes of God in many ways. There is no single way of doing so. Some talk about the communicable and incommunicable attributes of God; others about the immanent and transcendent attributes. In other words, how do we characterize God in a way that both speaks to God’s nearness (immanence) and God’s divineness (transcend...

    Although Christians tend to focus upon traditional attributes in description of God, a closer look at Scripture reveals some attributes that are generally neglected or repudiated, despite being biblical. I call these non-traditional attributes of God, since they describe God in possibly disconcerting ways. For example, God is described as angry, wr...

    Scripture contains the story of God, or to be more precise, stories of God. It is worrisome to Christians to realize that there are competing stories, which recognizably come from Scripture. There are stories about God that pre-date Christianity, and today stories of God continue to arise, both within and outside of Christianity. Undoubtedly, we le...

    I liked personalizing Scripture verses, and I recommend that readers try doing it for themselves. For example, it helps to say: “For God so loved me, that he gave his only Son for me!” Because God is love, it is important that God give people freedom to choose—to accept or reject the gospel, to accept or reject God’s love, to accept or reject etern...

    The Nicene Creed that eventually received ecumenical approval implied the doctrine of the trinity, though it was not until later formularies that formal references to the doctrine were established. The trinity is not so much a definition of who God is, as it is a statement about the limits of our understanding of God. Basically, the doctrine states...

    Throughout church history, the trinity has been considered important for what is known as ‘orthodoxy’ (Gk., orthos, ‘straight, right,’ and doxa, ‘opinion, belief’)—right opinion, or right belief. There is not Christian consensus about what orthodoxy consists of; generally, it is thought of as beliefs and values that reflect biblical teachings and e...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

    After reading this book, you may find reasons to believe in God that you’ve never considered before. Yes, God exists. It’s a matter of faith, and not of rational and empirical argumentation. Such argumentation may help you to believe, or it may help you to understand and communicate your beliefs better. But bottom line is that people have to make a...

  4. This PDF file is from the Christian Classics Ethereal Library, The mission of the CCEL is to make classic Christian books available to the world. • This book is available in PDF, HTML, and other formats. See • Discuss this book online at

  5. The author calls his book a study in the history of definition. And he believes that in studying the historic definition of Christianity we are really retracing the rise and progress of the effort to conceive of Christianity scientifically. The book is therefore written in a his- toric spirit and for the purpose of emphasizing the scientific method in theology. His conception of what ...

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  7. What is Christianity? This document tries to summarize Christian beliefs and practices. It was originally written as part of the Frequently Asked Questions collection for the Usenet newsgroup soc.religion.christian. It is intended as an introduction to Christianity for non-Christians, and also as background for

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