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  1. What Should I Bake This Weekend Recipes - Yahoo Recipe Search

    vanilla-crème filled chocolate cupcakes with bittersweet chocolate ganache
    (Written May 17, 2011) Last week, I bought something that I never thought I would "need"—a cupcake corer. I should back this story up a bit... It was a lovely, pre-Easter weekend and I found myself walking around downtown Los Gatos with David (the husband). Lo and behold, Williams-Sonoma had a sign outside that caused a force stronger than I, one that practically pulled me into the store (20% off open-stock All-Clad D5? Yes, please!). I'm now convinced that this [magnetic] force is the very same that allows the pans to be used on induction burners, and it only grows more powerful when there's a sale going on. Clearly I couldn't help myself, right? I then, of course, proceeded to meander throughout the entire store (why waste the trip?), and that's when I first laid eyes on this single-purpose device, the cupcake corer. I was intrigued. After picking it up off the shelf and playing with it for a few seconds in order to figure out how it worked, I took a peek at the price and thought, only 5 bucks! Hmmm. This quickly turned into, 5 bucks for this simple device? No, not worth it, on to the All-Clad! It was hopeless, though, the seed was planted. Over the next few weeks, I found myself coming back to the thought of "what could I possibly fill a cupcake with?" over and over again. Dulce de leche? Eh, it's fun to make but not my favorite thing to eat (and we all know it's all about me—kidding!). Extra frosting? Too much of the same flavor and texture. Though, I do love frosting. It wasn't until I was experimenting with the success-or-failure of baking chocolate cupcakes without paper liners that I knew exactly what I'd use the corer for: a faux-Hostess cupcake! I thought a whoopie pie type of marshmallow-y vanilla filling, whose sweetness would be balanced out with a bittersweet chocolate ganache would fit the bill—and here we have it! I ended up purchasing my corer through Sur La Table (the Williams-Sonoma I went to weeks later didn't have any in stock, and I was in a rush to get one before the bake sale), and I love it! It's not just a glorified round cookie cutter. My favorite part is how the wide, plastic flower part allows you make holes with a consistent depth. Plus, it comes apart so you can clean both halves really well. It's really the small things in life that excite me. (For sources and more, visit:
    The Full Monty - F E B -  Full English Breakfast
    A fine British tradition - and a meal to set you up for the day; there is a saying in the UK that goes like this: "breakfast like a King, lunch like a Queen and have supper like a pauper"! So, what does a typical full English breakfast consist of? One recipe in an Edwardian Cookbook listed a plethora of ingredients that would have graced the table of many a stately home at the turn of the century, to include 7 courses! A modern day FEB is likely to consist of the following: two sausages, two or three rashers of bacon, fried eggs, fried bread, tomato and lashings of mushrooms with black pudding and brown HP sauce to taste. In finer establishments you can even expect additional courses such as cereal, porridge, kippers, toast and jam or marmalade, kedgeree, or devilled kidneys. Rumour has it that the term 'The Full Monty' is used to refer to these type of breakfasts because Field Marshal Montgomery was rather partial to them. Here is my basic recipe for an FEB, with optional extras! Grill or fry your FEB - and make sure you have acres of hot buttered toast and gallons of English Breakfast Tea! I am NOT suggesting this is what you should eat every morning - but it is a wonderful treat for the weekends, holidays and just when you feel like it.
    Triple fig tart recipe
    What is summer for you?.. For me, it is happiness and hope! It comes in a form of silly daisies and juicy, sweet figs.. I was not planning to bake this cake and honestly had no occasion. But fresh figs are the most delicious fruit in the world!.. and sadly only appear for a few months, so you should always take advantage of them, when you can. Both green and slightly pinkish inside or purple and dark red (as on my photos) - all varieties are simple amazing and absolutely gourmet. Daisies are like a plague in Russia. They grow in every garden and every field or park. As a child I used to spend my summer in the country side. I would see them so often, that at some point stopped appreciating their beauty. But here in Paris, you need to pay for a bunch of flowers, even if they are simple daisies... These particular daisies come from my very good friend, who is allergic to flowers, but of course like every girl loves them so much that still buys them from time to time. Last weekend we had lunch at her place and after having suffered from allergy for a few days, she gave them to me. Thank you, friend for making my house a bit more "summery"!