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  1. The Sokolsky Opening, also known as the Orangutan and the Polish Opening, is an uncommon chess opening that begins with the move: 1. b4. According to various databases, out of the twenty possible first moves from White, the move 1.b4 ranks ninth in popularity. [1]

  2. a3 Anderssen's Opening is named after unofficial World Chess Champion Adolf Anderssen , who played it three times [1] [2] [3] in his 1858 match against Paul Morphy . Although Anderssen was defeated decisively in the match, the games he opened with the novelty scored 1½/3 (one win, one loss, one draw ).

  3. › wiki › 1910年代1910年代 - Wikipedia

    1910年代(せんきゅうひゃくじゅうねんだい)は、西暦(グレゴリオ暦)1910年から1919年までの10年間を指す十年紀。 できごと [ 編集 ]

  4. 1916年、 天活 (天然色活動写真株式会社)で 下川凹天 が、 小林商会 で 幸内純一 が、 日活 で 北山清太郎 が独自にアニメーション制作を開始。. 1917年(大正6年)1月、下川が手がけた短篇アニメーション映画『 凸坊新畫帖 芋助猪狩の巻 』が公開され国産 ...

  5. Oct 15, 2015 · 2 It looks like the source text was originally ISO/IEC 8859-1 , a standard single-byte extended ASCII encoding. To produce that hex dump, some process misinterpreted the source text as UTF-16LE (a double-byte encoding) and converted it to UTF-8, which is why many programs you've tried interpreted it as UTF-8.

  6. › wiki › Wing_GambitWing Gambit - Wikipedia

    In chess, a Wing Gambit is an opening in which White plays an early b4, deflecting an enemy pawn or bishop from c5 so as to regain control of d4, an important central square. (Or in which Black plays ...b5, but Wing Gambits offered by Black are very rare.)

  7. › wiki › 旅客機旅客機 - Wikipedia


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