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  1. May 21, 2024 · Elevate your gameplay and discover Metin2 hacks, cheats and bots in our forum. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned player, our community is here to boost your gaming skills. Here you will find a list of discussions in the Metin2 forum at the Popular Games category. Sub-Forums : Metin2.

    • Overview
    • How it works
    • Configuration
    • Run

    A bot written in Python using image processing to auto-farm Metin stones. The bot may not be suitable for slow computers as it needs CPU power to process images and detect objects in it. Otherwise it will be painfully slow or may not even work properly.


    •Rubinum seems to have prevented such scripts from sending input to the client. So currently it seems the bot doesn't work anymore. •The bot may not work for every server especially in its current version. It was created for Rubinum. The client must give you the ability to save your login credentials, your player must have a ring that teleports you to the place you want to farm and a map that is made specifically for stone-breaking. The bot isn't advanced enough to run around searching. •Configuration for this bot is a bit complex so it may be difficult to understand. •Recommended game resolution: 1024x768. 800x600 makes the UI elements overlap each other and causes problems on detection. And larger resolutions will increase the time of image processing. •Your character should have a horse and ride it for the bot to work properly. •The bot can handle multiple clients at the same time. •The bot uses libraries that only work on Windows. •The bot is still not finished. However, it may or may not be continued. There are many configurations that are hardcoded and the modularity is poor.


    Note: The current version doesn't support multiple resolutions as they are hardcoded. So you can skip the current guide if you want unless you are going to change the code yourself. This file contains some screen coordinates for specific resolutions. If you want to use one of the two that are already there you can leave the file as it is. This configuration basically creates an example of a hypothetical client that is going to be used to calculate the relative position on your screen. For example: If our hypothetical client's top left position was in (895, 270) position, where would the mini-map be? Let's say it's on (1903, 286) Where would the the stone hp be? Let's say it's on (1408, 293). So if your actual top left position is on (862, 315) the program can guess where the these positions are by finding the relation of them. This is done by the following code:

    •top_left is the config's file top left position of the client. It is used to find all relative positions. •new_top_left is the top left position of your actual client. •def_pos is the configs position we want to find the relative one. •[0] is the x position on screen and [1] is y. So by writing new_top_left[0] we mean the x value of your client's top left position. So, to find the position of the mini-map, we have: Replacing the values: So in this example, the mini-map's position would be at (1870, 331). This applies to all positions that are included in this configuration file.

    Create your own config of relatives

    Now that we know how it works, let's see how to create our own config file for other resolutions. First of all, you need to take a couple of screenshots. One of your login screen, one of your game screen while having a mob or a stone as a target so the health bar at the top is visible and one while being dead. You also need an image editor or any other software that you can find cordinates by pointing your cursor in the image. is good enough and also free. Now let's explain some things: •top-left is of course your screen's top left position. Not the window but the very top left pixel of your game screen. It is recommended to get it right so it doesn't cause miscalculations. •window-size is your client's window size. Basically the game resolution however, the height should be the without including the bottom bar. Give it some extra 50-100 pixels offset as well because you won't need that part of your screen the image process. See the already existing values to get an idea. •stone-bar-close is the x button on the health bar. This is basically the main issue with the 800x600 resolution as it may overlap with the event buttons next to it. •mini-map is the button that closes the minimap at the top right of your screen. For the stone hp the bot creates a rectangle around the hp value and detects the text inside it. So in order to take the value we need a top left position and the rectangle size: •hp is the top left position. •hp-rectangle is the rectangle size. This may not be necessary to change it. The same method applies here. The bot detects if the player died by trying to find the revive here button. •revive-here is the top left position of the revive button. •revive-rectangle is the rectangle size. •account1-12 is the saved accounts on the login screen. If the client doesn't support saved accounts you may put some safe value that will not affect anything on click. The bot, by the way, will get stuck. •channel1-8 is for channel selection. Add whateer values if the channels are less. Add the emptier channels if the channels are more. The following ones are for Rubinum2 only. They are used on map configuration to set the navigation of that specific map through the menu. If you can make it work somehow on other servers, good. •next is the next page option. •ork and red-forest are map names. Self explanatory. •area1-8 are specific areas on each map.


    •You need to install Python 3.7 or newer. •Open cmd and using pip, install the following libraries: •pillow •cv2 •opencv-python •pyautogui •numpy •keyboard •imutils •pytesseract

    Start the bot

    Before you run, make sure you you have opened the clients you want to use in their login screens. Run the bot by typing python After that, don't touch your keyboard and don't click anywhere. Do it only if you want to stop the bot. To do so, quickly open the cmd window and press Ctrl + C. The bot will run for 5000 times in total. That means each time it catches a player farming, it counts +1. In change the max_loops value if you want to change the value or replace the while loop < max_loops: line with while True: to run the program infinitely. There are also two extra scripts: • which you can use to click anywhere on your screen and get the coordinates. It uses only the pyautogui library. • is a very simple bot that automates xp farming by automatically pressing space and every 10 seconds 2 to activate a cape. I uses only the keyboard library. You can change the button if you want inside the code: •binput.press_button('2') is to press the cape. Supported values (1, 2, 3, 4, f1, f2, f3, f4). •sleep(10) is the frequency for each cape in seconds. •task_bar = (1291, 1062) is the position of your client in the task bar. It is used for the bot to bring the window at the top.

  2. M2FISHBOT. An external python Metin2 fishbot. This fishbot was made by @vncsms. I fixed some things, changed the UI, and improved code. This will have regular updates, since, I want to add more useful & safe functions. The sourcecode will not be available, since is the one from @vncsms.

  3. Features. Some of the most important STMod features. Metin2 farmbot, fishbot, levelbot, energybot and more. Fully automated bot. Restart clients & login. Resumes latest session (farming, fishing etc) Botting service. Farmbot. Skillbot. Mining bot. Fishbot. Energy bot. Switchbot. And much more! Much more in-game facilities.

  4. Nov 26, 2016 · 08/01/2010 - Dragonica - 0 Replies. Simple request, I'm just looking for a bypass to the hack-shield solely for testing to see if I can run it via Wine on linux, as the hack-shield is most likely the thing that is stopping it from working via wine. Anyway, just a simple request, I couldn't manage to find one that worked.

  5. Apr 26, 2017 · Metin2Alaska - Hack updated 26.04.2017. Starter #saled Link hack:!qRM1hJCQ!ZQXeQvaIUQ...

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